I'm going to Nebraska for gogglers next week. I am gonna use a bow and wondered if anyonw had a advise on makes/models that would be good for archery turkey, deer as well as Lateseason Muzzleloader. Any feedback would be great!
Another vote for double bull, great blinds and customer service is unbeatable. Just got mine back after a late season storm broke some rods and they replaced all parts free, free labor, and even covered the freight.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Dark Archer</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Can't go wrong with DB! </div></div>
I have been inside of a few DBs. NICE! They are really awesome blinds; little on the pricey side but its worth it.
I was at the MN Deer Classic this last weekend and spotted a new blind. Rhinolabs XP-1. http://www.rhino-labs.com/
Its a really simialer design to the DoubleBull and it has extra fabric/leather on the corners of the blind. Its 3in shorter aswell{minor}. Its also cheaper. I think Archery Country had it for $259(show price) at the MN Classic. The website says avail. July 09, but I looked at the blind at the classic Do some calling and you may find some store that has it in stock.
This is the best buy I have seen on a brand new double bull blind. It's almost half off compared to a new one!!! I almost bought one, even though I don't need it. I prefer the dark horse, but the T2 is Sweet, light, and great for deer!!
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