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ground blinds


New Member
I'm going to Nebraska for gogglers next week. I am gonna use a bow and wondered if anyonw had a advise on makes/models that would be good for archery turkey, deer as well as Lateseason Muzzleloader. Any feedback would be great!
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: gersdorf</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Double Bull blinds are awesome! </div></div>

Gersdorf said it. I have been down the road with using cheap blinds. It was a lesson learned. Double bull all the way for me!
Another vote for double bull, great blinds and customer service is unbeatable. Just got mine back after a late season storm broke some rods and they replaced all parts free, free labor, and even covered the freight.

Can't go wrong with DB!
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Dark Archer</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Can't go wrong with DB! </div></div>
I have been inside of a few DBs. NICE! They are really awesome blinds; little on the pricey side but its worth it.

I was at the MN Deer Classic this last weekend and spotted a new blind. Rhinolabs XP-1.

Its a really simialer design to the DoubleBull and it has extra fabric/leather on the corners of the blind. Its 3in shorter aswell{minor}. Its also cheaper. I think Archery Country had it for $259(show price) at the MN Classic. The website says avail. July 09, but I looked at the blind at the classic:) Do some calling and you may find some store that has it in stock.

Good luck in your choice.
This is the best buy I have seen on a brand new double bull blind. It's almost half off compared to a new one!!! I almost bought one, even though I don't need it. I prefer the dark horse, but the T2 is Sweet, light, and great for deer!!

Double Bull T2 (Great Deal)
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