Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Grunt Grunt Grunt Busted

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So New Years day my neighbor calls and said that while he was walking his dog he saw a doe that is sitting in a draw where an old damn use to be. I go up there, and I sneak from big tree to big tree down to get a shooting solution with my muzzy. I can't see the doe, and she cant see me which is good. Im down wind which is also good.

I get within 60 yards and then I start hearing a noise from the next ridge upwind. Ive never heard a deer grunt before but I am guessing thats what it is as its not a woodpecker. Then I hear a higher pitched grunt in return from the doe. This goes on for about a half an hour. Back and forth back and forth.

I sneak a little closer down and then the grunting stops, I figure i'm busted. I stay quiet and it starts up again. I keep sneaking closer but I cant see the doe. Grunting stops again. Stops for 10 minutes.

Now I am hearing the buck grunting behind me. Im like Hmmmm, he circled around behind me and is coming in to the doe from the downwind side. Then I hear more grunting up on the hill from me. I move around so I can see where the doe is at but she is no longer there.

The grunting stops for a long time so I go ahead and move up the ridge and all the deer are gone but I see where 3 other does had been bed down about half way down the ridge. They were looking right down on me as I was sneaking up on the doe.

So was this doe in heat calling to a buck?
Was the doe you were stalking a yearling? It sounds like fawn / doe communication with the fawn being the higher pitched sound. It also depends on how low the lower grunt was, it could have been a buck if the grunt was fairly low. My bet is on the doe / fawn talk.:way:
They were conversing. "hey....look at this guy trying to sneak up on us" "yea i see him...what an idiot" LOL
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