...help!...can some of you pros help out a newbie to the world of deer talk?...what deer noises/calls are useful for a bow hunter to have in his arsenal?...I am new to this calling thing but I wanna try!...
I know a few people who use a Primos "Can". It is easy to use and seems to work. A buddy of mine shot a huge 8 with a drop tine last year (out of my stand
). He tipped the can over a couple times and it came right in.
A grunt call is a good way to go. They are pretty fool proof. Simple intstructions should come with the call. When you call don't always point the call in the same direction because deer will become suspiscious. Angle it different ways to simulate a moving deer. Calling can get pretty technical-there is a certain call for every situation. To portray a real situation to a deer don't just call but use scents as well. I would recommend buying a call that comes with an instructional movie. Those movies are helpful. I like Primos calls and Knight and Hale.
Get an HS True Talker. Very versital call. Tending grunts, doe bleats it does it all and based on previous posts I would bet it is the Grunt tube of choice. It also can be purchase with a instructional video.
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