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Gun Opener in Wis


PMA Member
Well I told Moosehunter at work on Friday that I would post with results from my gun opener in.. "sigh" wisconsin.
Well I wish I would be better news than what I have. I saw nothing on opening day besides one real friendly squirrel... had him at 1 yard in the crosshairs.... yes I was bored.
Sunday was windy, rainy, freezing rain and I didn't bother to get into the woods til about 8:30 when the rain slowed. Nothing but my pal the squirrel until about 12:30 when I heard footsteps in the leaves...(amazed I could hear anything walking with all the rain we had.
Well I turn around and see a nice 10 point trotting thru the woods about 40 yards uphill of me...I reach down grab my gun and shoulder it and get him in the scope... he is still moving rather quickly so I put the crosshairs on the front of his shoulder and squeeze off a shot. He jumps in the air and continues to just trot away. I had no time for a second shot and just had to watch him continue up the draw thru the timber. I give him 30 min and then go to the spot he was standing and see no sign of a hit... turn a little and see a 6 in diameter tree missing a hunk of bark...
Well just uphill from the tree I see where he jumped at and then I find hair and blood immediately. I followed the trail for 800-1000 yards until he got to his second picked corn field and lost the blood. Spent another hour scouring over the area looking to see where he went but to no avail...
I'm guessing he was in the 130-150 range... damn nice deer for the area I'm hunting in.... One deer seen all opening weekend and I blow up a maple tree..
Guess on the bright side I can get some syrup for my pancakes...
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