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gun1 or muzzy


I have never muzzy hunted because i usually gun hunt but Since our group isint going out Im thinkin about going late muzzy. My Question is What would be the best bet on seeing alot of deer? If i shotgun hunt i would be only able to hunt about 40 acres, because the other lands get hit hard during gun1 and i dont want to be in there while others are doing deer drives. If i muzzy hunt i will have access to alot more ground but by then i feel that the deer will not move til dark because its all hit HARD during the gun season. Im Just wondering What you guys would do.

What are the pros and cons to hunting muzzy over gun?
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I personally prefer late muzzy. Its alot easier to get on ground, and I've always gotten better shot opportunities than shotgun hunting. Key is scouting food sources after the shotgun seasons close. Unless you know you have a piece of ground that has not been pressured during the gun seasons, I always give the deer 4-5 days to settle down. Hunt food sources and weather fronts. Depending on weather fronts deer can be in those food sources at noon until dark. Plus, I have more time, than trying to kill something in 5 days.
If you have access to a food source or an area near a food source then late muzzle loader is a no-brainer IMO. :way:

I don't believe there is a limit on late muzzle loader tags for IA residents
I love late muzzleloader hunting but don't have the places or the time to hunt it. I am going to hole up in a tree on some public all weekend and see what happens. Last year was the first time I shotgun hunted in 10+ years and saw a lot of deer and could of shot some nice ones while screwing up on a big one. I think with my limited time and access I would have better luck gun hunting so I am going to try it again.

Also it never seems to get that cold late muzz anymore. That kills it pretty quick where I can hunt.
If you have access to a food source or an area near a food source then late muzzle loader is a no-brainer IMO. :way:

I don't believe there is a limit on late muzzle loader tags for IA residents

X2 on the food source for late muzzy. If you don't have a good food source late muzzy can be tough and you might have better luck sitting in that 40 during gun 1 and waiting for something to get pushed to you.
you never know what might come by while shotguning. bucks get pushed pretty far and are sneaky. they might push you a nice one! but they might come right in the woods you are in and push it if they are jackwads like some groups can be. dont shotgun hunt much anymore but last year our group shot a giant that a friend had on cam 4 miles away all year! funny thing is we walked right thru another groups standers that were a little further in than they were suppose to be. i would make my decision on what you have surrounding your 40.
2nd season is the way to go. If you can keep the 1st season shotgun hunters out of the ground you hunt then all the deer nearby should get pushed into that ground.
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