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had all week off


PMA Member
had all week off an have nothing to show for it.. seen atleast 5 shooter bucks 150's an up but nothing close enough an the one i did have shot at... i lost my release on the way to the stand an if your not used to shooting fingers it doesnt turn out so well but what im getting at.. i wake up get ready for work today an i live on the south side of des moines an rarely see deer around but today look out the front window an there stands a 160 class main frame 10 with a couple kickers in MY FRONT YARD just feeding on the lawn an he just works his way down through my yard into a creek bottom about 100 yards from my house but its just funny how drive so far away to hunt but yet i had a shooter in my front yard today
I had the whole week off as well too, saw some shooters but the rutting was very slow, still saw bachelor groups of mature bucks and family groups of does. The section to the east of us got combined as well so they were in the fresh cut corn most of the week as well, where our farm is in alfalfa with my hunting turnip plots. The last couple of days more scrapes and rubs started popping up, so I'm confident that the best is yet to come, at least for the mature bucks. Bring on late November.
omg did it ever but thats hunting tho....i just wish i had more time to look him over a little better an i get a better pic of him...by the time i got my cam i could get only get a pic from nearly 100 yards away as he entered the creek bottom... but when i first seen him only 10 yards away from the house he very impressive
I was off the whole week also! Saw very littls chasing, and what I did see was young deer! Saw a Booner ( no relation!) from my truck feeding 80 yd's from the road at 2:30 pm. Sat.! Yesterday was the first day I saw anything over 2.5 years old! One I passed the other I did'nt!!! Thing is , back to work for 3 day's and then about another week and half of vaca. plus I still have a tag left!!
I haven't had a whole week, but have been hunting hard on two long weekends, and have nothing to show either. I saw rut activity earlier in November, but the last two weeks have been slow for me. Don't know if I have hunted too hard and stunk them out of the area, or they are just in a lull.

Going to try again in the morning on a stand I have not been in for about 2 weeks. Hope it works.
I think this cold, windy, late winter weather has had them concentrating more on stocking up on carbs than mating. Remember, a deer's first instinct is to survive, then his second is to breed. If there's a calm, mild day in the forecast coming up its sure to be good.
i agree, wind , rain , crap , i had last week off also, never saw mature bucks til thusrday in a calm drizzly day. go back to work today, and see a nice 150 with does, and on the way home see 3 bucks with does 120s, im with you guys , the best maybe yet to come. im taking friday off, then mon thru thursday, i could be wrong, but im thinking the bigger ones are just starting to move, and been to worried about stacking up on carbs. what do you fellas think?
Left for Missouri on October 31, It was hot and no buck daytime movement for the first four days. Decided to go on to Kansas on the 5th. Hunted until the 15th in Kansas, saw quite a few bucks there but let them go. No shooters within bow range. Being selective means you go home empty handed a lot and I ate both Kansas and Missouri tags this year. 16 days of hard hunting and nothing to show for it. Tough year for me.
Went back out this morning, which was cold, but not windy until about 0830. Finally saw some movement, a two and a half year old 6 pointer checking the big boys scrapes, and some does. Have to go back to work tomorrow, but being 4 weeks from retirement, I just might play some hooky if the weather seems right.
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