Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Had this BIG 6 at 125 yesterday


Miles Coffin
Ya, I know he's a 7, but I'm going with BIG 6 since that's way cooler than a 7. Everytime I stopped him yesterday, he took that extra step that blocked the vitals. He was out in the wide open pasture and I was deep in the timber, but I had a couple shooting lanes, just didn't get it done. Seen this deer last year during bow season and this is the first trail cam pic's I've gotten of him all year. He doesn't get out much...


If I don't get him, I can't wait to see how much bigger he is next year.
Cool looking buck! Maybe I'm wrong but his body seems to look like he is still pretty young...any idea how old he might be? I would love to see next year as well! Good luck with him
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