Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Handheld Soil Testers


PMA Member
Anyone use one or have one they'd recommend?

We have all sorts of habitat projects going on around the farm from food plots to tree plantings and I'd rather have something give instant feedback on the soil pH and nutrients vs always having to send in a soil test. Thank you!
Anyone use one or have one they'd recommend?

We have all sorts of habitat projects going on around the farm from food plots to tree plantings and I'd rather have something give instant feedback on the soil pH and nutrients vs always having to send in a soil test. Thank you!

I've seen the ones where you can test PH but never anything else. PH seems fairly easy as it isn't THAT much different than testing it in anything else (pool, hot tub, etc). I don't know how they would make a device that would test N-P-K. If they did I would guess it would be very spendy.
I have the biologic one and it seems like it pretty much just reads the same. Stuck it into a tomato once and it spiked though.
I have a cheapo multi-tester (think from Menards). Never used it in a food plot, but when I used it in our flower beds at the house it told me they were wet, not fertile, and about right on PH (don't remember what "right" is, but was for specific flowers we had planted). Looking at the soil, I could tell it was wet, and with only two of 10 perenial flowers coming back the next year, I was kinda thinking a little infertile. Wetness probably had a lot to do with it too. :)
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