Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!


PMA Member
I hope everyone has a tremendous Thanksgiving and gets to hunt during there holiday break. Wish I was heading up to Iowa this week (I've had a lot of luck in the past Thanksgiving week in Iowa, so if you don't have your buck yet don't sweat it. This is in many of the best big buck hunters opinion the best week for a really old monster!) I have taken 4 of my best bucks Thankgiving week and I will be in Illinois tomorrow afternoon to try to make it 5! I really hope everyone has a great and safe hunt over the holiday! Gooble Gooble Gooble!!!!!!!!!

***The only thing that consitutes insanity is doing the same things you've been doing, but expecting different results! Try something different if it isn't working!!!***
Thanks Baby-G

As I write this most of us are relaxing from a great day of family, friends, food and thankfullness. Hopefully a few of us also snuck in some time on stand as I know there are always a few big bucks harvested on this joyess day. I know I'm a little late but . . .


PS - as Baby-G stated if you still have an unfilled tag in your pocket don't give up as these next few days the big boys are on the move in daylight hours in search of last minute love and a bite to eat. Hunt Hard - success only takes 30 seconds in the deer woods
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