Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Happy Thanksgiving!


Be here Now
Just wanted to wish everybody a happy and safe Thanksgiving. Enjoy the day with your friends family and if you're hunting- good luck and be safe. There a lot of people out there today who don't get a nice meal with friends and family And I am thankful that I am able too . Now I'm off to play my ninth annual flag football games with old College buddies and other friends. Take care, eat lots!!
And enjoy your naps this afternoon!
Just wanted to wish everybody a happy and safe Thanksgiving. Enjoy the day with your friends family and if you're hunting- good luck and be safe. There a lot of people out there today who don't get a nice meal with friends and family And I am thankful that I am able too . Now I'm off to play my ninth annual flag football games with old College buddies and other friends. Take care, eat lots!!
And enjoy your naps this afternoon!

You too! Also, Good Luck to those of you who will be on stand..

I encourage you guys to use this day to catch some much needed Zzzzz..

If you guys feel anything like me... this hunting season has taken it's toll

and catching a few much needed Zzzs will make a difference..

Also, Enjoy that Turkey and Co...:)
Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy food, friends, and family and don't forget to count your blessings. You will realize just how blessed you are!:way:
Happy Thanksgiving fellow IowaWhitetail members!

Can honestly say I'm thankful for such a great group of people who have helped me a few times since I've been a member.
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