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I hunt in Iowa and have not seen the big bucks chasing as much lately. A lot of small ones. Just was wondering if anyone else was experiencing the same or if it is still heavy where you guys are hunting.
Im in Nebraska. The first stand i hunted in alot of little ones chasing the does. But this morning i hunted in some more cover and i got a 4x5 this morning. It came out of the thick cover. But it could be differant from state to state!
Me and my dad went out this morning, and we hit the cornfield where there is normally groups of bucks. All we saw was one little 8-pointer and a couple does in the distance. Last night wasn't much better for my dad. I think here the switch has been flipped for most of the does, so in the near future it'll be a bit tougher. Sure hoping some of you guys have better luck!
What Muddy said. Bucks are coupled up with does - all you can hope for is to catch them between does or hope the doe brings him by. The young guys who can't compete with the big boys are on their feet trying to find whatever scraps they can. In about a week when the rut tails off, the bruisers will be out again looking for the last few estrous does. I've seen some of my biggest bucks around Thanksgiving - one morning I saw 3 P&Ys chasing one doe.
I'm with muddy and fletch. Lots of does are in right now and the big guys are very busy. Unless you are in just the right spot or catch one between dates you won't see the big guys for a few more days. November 17 is about when I start seeing them.

Hang in there and shoot a few does in the mean time. That is what I'm going to do.

Good hunting!
Old Buck
Locked down phase of the rut is what it seems like in my area....I will hit the woods hard again about thanksgiving week if all goes well. I have a time score to settle with a big boy and his date is running out fast. Gun season in IL next weekend.....will pack my bow for that one if legal and all.
It is tough.Saw a big one tonight with a doe and he wouldn't leaver her more than 5 feet away.Frustrating.......
That's what you gotta love about this site. After reading this, it makes me realize, that I am not in bad spots, and is kind of confidence booster. I have been seeing tons of does, and a bunch of borderline 135 and under class bucks. With an occaisonal glimpse at a good buck. Now I know im not the only one having these problems
Had to opt for an afternoon only hunt today due to dad having to finish up some work. We finally got on the road about 1:45 and on the hour drive to our farm we counted 4 does and 3 bucks. One was trotting with his nose down right along the interstate....looked to have good tine length....then we saw another in a creek bed just for a second but when i saw him i knew he was a MONSTER and then out in the middle of a cow pasture there was 2 deer a doe and right behind a very wide buck....all before 2:30! If they were in a lull they seem to be starting back up to a point.......while sitting in the stand about 4:00 i heard what sounded like a freight train coming through the woods and i see a deer coming through....then i realize its a buck....a BIG buck....well long story short i tried rattling, grunting, snort wheeze, and bleating and he wouldnt come that last 10 yards. He would have been a chip shot with a shotgun at 40 yards broadside but im not confident with my bow out that far, so i wasnt gonna risk wounding a big buck like this and hope he'll be back next saturday when im in that stand. I wish i were in it tomorrow but freaking high school gets in the way

good luck all,

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