Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Have I created a monster???



I did it! I purchased the wife her very first bow last night. After her hinting, and asking... I thought it might be a passing phase... but she went with us on a 3D shoot last weekend and REALLY wanted one after she saw the fun to be had! She now has a new Parker Micro-Phoenix... she absolutely loves that bow... and I must say, it's a great little shooter! But, I can't help but wonder... what have I done? It is great to see her show interest in something I have such a passion for.... now if I could just get her to wear a loin cloth.... hmmmm?
Well, if you can get her to wear the loin cloth you more than likely have created the ideal woman. If you catch her waxing your decoys then, I guarantee it.

Hunt on all4s
If she is out in the stands before you are then look out.
If I could only get mine to take up huntin I would jump for joy.If she wore the loin cloth I would pass out.
That is awesome Pak, good for you. I hope she enjoys it for many years.
Loin cloth??? That's hilarious.
Good thing for me she hasn't found this board yet! But seriously, I am so happy that she is getting into archery... any pointers for her from the female perspective? She is VERY competitive... I just don't want her to get frustrated, because we all know it's not as easy as it looks!!!!
Well, I pretty much taught myself so I don't have much advise on teaching styles. I would mostly say to be paitent, give her a lot of encouragement and most of all to keep it fun! Good luck to you both.
Thanks Kat... that is a good plan. I want her to like it because SHE does, not because I do... that's why I never forced a bow on her, or made her go with us... waited until she asked and showed interest... maybe now she'll understand why I "need" near gear all the time!!! It's a win-win situation!!!
My wife started shooting with me about two years ago. She'll never hunt, but she really likes the 3-D shoots. Buy her a dozen arrows that are crested in some girly colors, that seemed to help hold my wifes attention a little more. If she get's too good at it and starts beating you in competition, you'll need to switch to a different class or tweek her sight pins a little before each shoot.

I've set her up with suction-cup style arrows... so I don't think she'll ever beat me... tough to score a 10x or 12x when the arrow falls off the target before you get to it... lol
My wife bow hunts with me and I think it is awesome. She knows quite a bit about it and enjoys her time in the stand a lot. She shot 140" ten pointer this year and was tickled to death....and so was I. Now my kids are getting into it and that's a bunch of fun. Good luck to both of you!!!!!!
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