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Head Shot


Arrow Chucker
My brother DEWY was pitching baseballs to his oldest son this past Sunday. Got a bit too far out past the screen and took one in the bean. :D Nothing that 24 stitches couldn't fix. I won the pool on total number of stitches it took (I guessed 28). He is a good sport for letting me post :way:.
Well I guess the saying "that'll leave a mark" actually applies in this case and this smiley has a true place now :thrwrck: :D. Better get some super glue on that.
Too bad they couldn't weave some hair on top of that bucket when they were stitching him up...

Dearest Dewy,
I couldn't tell where the location of the stitches were from the picture ouch dude... Guess ole JD knocked some sense into his old man... :D Take it out on the turkeys... :way:
Improved my looks is right. I am feeling lucky that both of my eyes didn't turn black as coal. Just a little swelling underneath each eye. Talk about bleeding though. You'd thought I had been double lunged with the blood trail I left getting out of the batting cage.
Even Limb could have tracked me.
It had to have been a sight to behold. All I remember was throwing my best heater, making it half way through my follow through, and hearing bingwop. Bing off of the bat and wop off of my head. The next memory was me swearing like a sailor trying to drag myself to my feet while being entangled in batting cage netting. I was having trouble seeing as my vision blurred by what I would soon find out was blood running into both of my eyes.
The best thing about it is that I am a teacher and coach so see hundreds of people everyday. Of course this means that this is the 1274th time that I have told this story.
I would come up with a cage fighting story or something. You could be the next Rich Franklin...school teacher gone cage fighter! :D Could have been a lot worse for sure!
The first story that I came up with is that I forgot to take out the garbage again. Ole lady laid the smack down on me. :) ....again.
You know when you get old the reflexs aren't what they use to be. I'll have to tell Chad to come check this out. I'm sure he will get a kick out of it.
hey Dewy your not the only one!! I stuck a utility knife blade all the way into my lower thumb last friday but i only got 8 stitches in that!! good luck tho i hope that scar dont show up 2 bad!!
hey Dewy your not the only one!! I stuck a utility knife blade all the way into my lower thumb last friday but i only got 8 stitches in that!! good luck tho i hope that scar dont show up 2 bad!!

We are twins. I did the same thing a month ago.

I too expected a turkey head shot.
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