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Helmet Camera to record your shots?

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New Member
I would love to have some kind of camera that I could take digital video of my shots. I missed a couple of nice bucks last year and would love to review some footage to see what I missed and why. A trophy mounted on the wall is nice, but imagine having the video footage of the shot to show off as well.

Anybody got any recommendations?
get a camera man!!

or check Here

I've got a buddy out in Utah that sells some small helmet type cams that can mount pretty much anywhere. I'll check with him and see if they still sell them and I'll post a link.
They make snowmobiling videos and fasten them to their helmets and to their sleds. They're pretty sweet.
Oh yeah, something like this?
Hopefully they will have something like that at the Gun show at Hawkeye downs this weekend... Id like to see one in person before buying

Imagine the Deer Trophy (of the future), Deer mounted to the wall with a 4" lcd screen below it. You press a button and watch the kill as it happens.... Invented by yours truely of course

Oh, my handheld video camera might already have this functionality...
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