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Help ID this Polk Co Tresspasser


Well-Known Member
This was sent in to me anonymously. The picture was taken on Dec 1st and the farm is in Polk County. If you have any information on this guys name please PM me (muddy). All individuals will be kept confident/private. Thanks for your help.

This was sent in to me anonymously. The picture was taken on Dec 1st and the farm is in Polk County. If you have any information on this guys name please PM me (muddy). All individuals will be kept confident/private. Thanks for your help.
If it was sent anonymously, how are you going to send the information back to the person who sent it to you? ;) :D
I know who that is!!!.... Guy's initials are M.W. - he's from Iowa City area, around mid-30's. I recognize him from his other photo/mug shot while screening the Iowa Sexual Predator website! :D

Kidding. Hope you find out, good luck, pain in the butt. Trail cams are the greatest thing ever though to deal with this garbage. Poor criminals miss the "good ole days"!!
It's Bob!!!! :D He looks like may just wanna go home and drink a beer!!!!! :way:
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It's not good to get your photo posted on the internet for trespassing. He can't even say he was tracking a wounded deer.He has his gun. This is what you get during shotgun season. lol not surprised.
The fact that he isn't even trying to be sneaky makes me wonder if he even knows he is trespassing? Just some food for thought. Everyone should know land boundries, but it can get confusing when near the edges of some public lands, especially when no signs are posted. Not sure if that applies here or not.
Kinda looks like bonker!!!!!!!!!! But hes not wearing any bonkerflauge so cant be him I guess...
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