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HELP!! IDEAS?? Wanting to start......



I need some help. I am wanting to start a Mahaska County Bowhunters Association or Buckmasters One Shot Chapter in Mahaska County, but i am unsure on the process, legalities, or how to go about starting something like this.

We have Ducks Unlimited and National Wild Turkey Federation clubs in the county but no deer hunting clubs. I think it is time to start one in my area. I know there are members on here that belong or are involved (or even set up) such organizations. How do I go about setting up something like this?

Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated.

I would like to thank elkhunter for his PM regarding this post. His ideas are greatly appreciated and I hope to hear from him soon. I am very passionate about starting a County Archery Association and I like his ideas of being part of the IBA.


Edit: The only thing I am unsure of is funding and money. My wife and I are in the middle of building a new house and all of my money is going into that right now. Hopefully I get some more ideas from other club members or IBA members.
I started the Mid-Iowa Archers with $0.00 in the club checking account. There is A LOT of legal mumbo jumbo to get out of the way first. You need to register your club name with the Sec of States office, including your Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws; then you need to set up your tax exempt status with the fine folks at the IRS, then you set up your checking accounts, then get setup with the Iowa Bowhunters Association. Now you can start by figuring what LOCAL shops to work with, and where to have your range at. Now it's time to start building your membership. After that you can elect members to a board. Then it's all down hill after that. We started having fund raisers, fun shoots at local shops, and selling merchandise to raise our club funds to purchase targets and liability insurance. We achieved 100+ members in our first 6 months. That's pretty awesome. We signed up 45 new members to the IBA, won a hunt to raffle off to the club members, had the most people at the spring banquet so we won a few targets, and with the new member promotions that we have at the IBA, some of our members won lots of goodies, bows, targets, etc... I hope you decide to go throught with it, and create a 100% IBA club. There is no better organization in the state that fights for the rights of ALL hunters.
Good Luck
Thank you Supertech. I am planning on going through with this idea. I am working with the Isaac Walton league to use their land for a 3-d shoot, and waiting to hear back from the IBA, in order to get their help with this. What would really help is getting together with a board member of another group and see if I could get help with the Article of Incorporation and by-laws.


Give Jeremy Leu a call, he started the Bowfishing Association of Iowa in 2001 from scratch. www.bowfishiowa.com Similar to what you are wanting to do. We went from about 10 members in 2001 to a current of around 80. He is VERY well educated now as to what it takes.
Like I told you on the phone the other evening, let me know if you need any help.

Jeremy's # is 319 -695-3029 I am sure he would be more than willing to get you started.

I can E-Mail you a copy of the By-Laws and Articles of Incorp. if it would help you out any. As far as working with the Ikes, that is what my archery club does with the Warren Co. Chapter.
Good Luck
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