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Help me out experts


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I stole this picture from one of DOR's post (sorry DOR, hope I didn't invade on a patten infringdment /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif), but I remember reading a ton on this deer quite a few years back, but I don't remember what ever became of it. I remember something along the lines of him manufacturing the rack or busting the skull plate or something like that, but don't know for sure.

So, what ever became of this deer, or was it even real?

As far as I know it was real, He got pissed about all the negative publicity and refused to enter it in P&Y. I could be wrong but that is what I remember. I may have those issues of Deer and Deer Hunting somewhere. They stated it was real in those issues. I will have to look around.
I've never really heard anything about it for a long time either.. but If I remember correctly, he refused to have it inspected or officially scored, so, I don't think it was ever fully proven or dis-proven that it was real or not.
thats the mitch rompola buck, he was kinda a radical guy from what i read...didnt trust p/y or b/c but man why wouldnt you wnat to if it was a legit buck...i also heard the stories of the skull plate being altered and other things....if it was legit i would sure have let the world prove me wrong....
Type "Rompola Buck" or "Rompola Gate" as a Goggle search.....you can literally read for weeks.
I used to live down the road from where he supposedly shot it. I could talk for hours and hours and explain this one BUT in short summary, I think it's a crock of crap, not legit.

You need to find that article ALSO that talks about the odds of him shooting the state record AND the world record and many other booners. What he did came out to a probability of like 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 to 1 or something nuts like that, it was solid analyzation as well.

Lastly, for entering into P&Y world record OR B&C world record- it's standard to get the rack evaluated, x-rayed, etc from my understanding. It's just like when you catch a world record bass- they check to make sure you didn't put lead weights in the guts or something. He made the world record claim BUT when they wanted to do the inspection he pulled it.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">1,000,000,000,000,000,000 to 1 or something nuts like that </div></div>

So there is a chance even with ridiculous odds /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
i have heard all those stories as well, i also heard that Milo Hansen threatened to sue him for "Claiming" the world record as he apparently has copyrighted "The World Record Whitetail" or some stupid thing...... lots of hear-say, but one thing is constant, there will ALWAYS be negative speculation surrounding a huge deer, so who really knows.....
Wow, googled what ghost said to and there are hundreds of different articles and opinions. Who knows, but THa4 is right, anytime there is a big deer killed, rumors fly. I don't ever have to worry about that though /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
I beleive it is a hoax, and until he lets them xray the rack and it is proved to be legit I will continue to think it is a hoax..

Why wouldn't he let them xray it unless it is a hoax????

That is the question of the year....
I thought that ended up being B.S. The pictures and article I read said that it was made and you could see where he tried to stain the antlers and blend them together to look real. Plus even in this pic the deers head and eye looks funny not to mention the antlers coming straight out from the skull.
I go with hoax.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: THA4</div><div class="ubbcode-body">maybe its a hoax?
/forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif </div></div>Like this... Frozen Bigfoot
I admit to being a total Gomer on RompolaGate. I believe the man is innocent until proven guilty. Some thoughts:

* On the odds of killing it where he did. Moot point. World record whitetails are genetic freaks, the odds of killing one, anywhere, beyond belief. You can make all the logical predictions about where the next one will fall...and then it'll come from Rhode Island.

* On Rompola not getting it x-rayed, measured and entered. Sure, it makes sense to you or me to do that. Rompola ain't you or me. He's got a different personality. He's had legal problems in the past (not hunting related). He's been critical of P&Y and B&C. None of this means he poached the deer or faked the rack...until someone proves he did so. I know several guys who've shot multiple book-worthy deer and have never entered a one. I've never for a second thought they were hiding anything.

* You could, if you wanted, "spin" Rompola's story the opposite way of what's popular. Maybe he doesn't give a rip about fame, fortune or world records. Maybe he's just an odd duck who lives and breathes big deer...away from the spotlight and not caring what anyone thinks of him. I guess there's a big piece of me that hopes that is true. I think it would be kinda cool.

But that's just me. Like I said, a Gomer. Probably watched too many episodes of "Care Bears" with my kids when they were young.

But I hope not /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
I kinda take sides with the Rompola guy. He's fed up with the B.S. He shot a big deer and was happy but got tired of all the speculation and people getting all worked up over an animal. Grizzly Adams would be shaking his head right now.

If i shot a monster buck worthy of getting negative rumors started i would tag the buck. Have it mounted by someone with sealed lips. Hang it up on my living room wall and look at it every time i walked into the living room. Simple as that. None of this P&Y, B&C, Xrays, DNA test, lie detector test, blah blah blah.
I've never heard of this deal until this thread and I don't really have much interest in the details of it but I would say that the previous 2 posters have hit on something. I have zero of my B&C worthy bucks submitted. I also have zero of them mounted. All of them are either boiled skulls or simply have the skull plate cut off and were thrown up on the wall in my shop where pretty much only I ever see them. I'm not big into making a production of "trophies" that I have harvested. I don't really even like the word trophy that much. It sorta undermines the spirituality of the hunt and the animal by assuming ownership in my twisted mind. I guess I'm a kinda hypocritical though because I do like to see the bucks others have taken. For whatever reason, I just don't go that route myself. Strange I guess.
Its cool bro....I located it the same way you did /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
Only difference is Iowabowtech, he wanted the attention, then he got it and then he hid from questions that were asked.
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