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Help! Past issues of Deer and Deer Hunting needed

Old Buck

Life Member
I let my subscription to Deer and Deer Hunting expire a number of years ago and now need a collection of past issues. I'm trying to educate a number of deer hunters/landowners in my area on a variety of issues related to qdm and I'm having trouble. I need all the good info I can get.

If anyone has a set of old Deer and Deer hunting magazines for the last few years that they no longer need I'd be interested in a purchase or trade.


Old Buck
Re: Help! Past issues of Deer and Deer Hunting ne

Last I checked...I had the whole thing.....They are yours if you want them
I have boxes of mags!! Everything!! Hunting , fishing etc. If Shred cant help you let me know!! as for money do you have any GOLD boulyons for trade!!JJJOOOKKKEEE!! GONNA HARVEST WORLD RECORD DOES TOMORROW!!!!
Thanks guys! What a great website and great bunch of people. Shredder, since you were first and are the closest I'll send you a pm to work on the details.

Thanks again to all!

Old Buck
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