Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Help Please...


PMA Member
Hey everyone - I teach HS biology and am doing this huge 4 week project called Oh Deer. The tough part for me will to be as unbiased as possible. :thrwrck:

Essentially what we are doing is assigning kids an interest group: hunters, NR land owners, animal rights, Farm Bureau (other insurance co's), DNR, Farmers. They will have to research several questions and interview at least 2 individuals regarding Iowa's deer population and report back to class. That is where I need your help. They will all then sit at a round table and try to come to a compromise and present their whole-class decision to the DNR.

Where I need help - would any of you please like to be interviewed either by email, phone, or in person (if you are close to CR)?? We need Iowa resident hunters, NR land owners or NR hunters, Insurance Co Rep, Farmers...no offense, but probably not going to get an animal rights activist on here. :D

I know we have several of all the previous - Please PM or reply with your name, interest group you belong to, email, and phone - very much appreciated. You will probably have to field a few phone calls, but if we get enough I'll try to limit your contacts to one... :way: It is going to a great cause...

The others who cannot help - if anyone want to read the lesson outline and questions being asked, I'll take any advice or input you have to make this better and simpler for the HS kids. Thanks in advance! :way:

Oh Deer!​

Background: Iowa has a very prestigious resource many people are not aware of – the whitetail deer. The whitetail deer is very numerous in Iowa due to a couple of reasons – food (corn and beans) and habitat (lots of places to hide). Corn and beans allow Iowa deer to grow larger than the average whitetail deer across the country, increasing not only their mass and body size, but their antlers as well. The antlers are a prized possession across and the country, drawing hunters, photographers, and nature lovers from every other state in the United States to come and try their hand and seeing, photographing, or harvesting a “trophy” whitetail with large antlers. Some do it on their own, some knock on doors, while others pay for a service to guide them. Iowa resident hunters are fortunate enough to be able to get anywhere from 2-3 whitetail buck tags every year (one for gun hunting, the other for bow). Non-Residents (NR’s), on the other hand, have to wait approximately 3 years to “draw” a tag in order to hunt a whitetail buck (although they can hunt does every year in Iowa). Even if a NR owns property in Iowa, they cannot get a tag every year.

Many other groups have a large interest in Iowa’s deer population besides hunters and NR land owners:
· Animal Rights – defend the ‘rights’ of animals
· Farmers – deer eat their crops – leaving less for the farmer = less $$$.
· Hunters – some hunters hunt for trophy purposes and some hunt just to fill a freezer with meat. Most think that if they open up buck licenses for NR’s, Iowa’s trophy deer population will be decimated like the surrounding states and the average hunter will not have a place to hunt (due to NR’s buying up all the Iowa land and turning it into hunting outfitters).
· Insurance Companies (Farm Bureau, etc) – have to insure crops that are eaten by deer. Farm Bureau is said to have the backs of NR landowners, pushing that Iowa hunters are not harvesting enough deer, so they want to represent and lobby for NR landowners and open up buck licenses for all hunters.
· Non-resident (NR) landowners/NR’s – own land in Iowa, but cannot get a buck license every year due to Iowa’s current laws.
· DNR – Role is to analyze all other interest group information and data and make the best possible solution for Iowa’s deer population and not just one individual group. Also, uses sale of licenses to fund their program.

The deer population, however, is something that is very highly disputed by all interest groups. Many interest groups and politicians use this population “problem” to create the best situation for their own group.

· The DNR tries to monitor and maintain the deer population by limiting/issuing doe licenses and special seasons.
· In some counties, doe licenses are increased and some there are none (based off previous year’s data and the current deer population). Hunters can purchase as many doe tags until the current county quota has been sold out.
· Buck licenses remain the same: 1 anysex (buck) bow license, 1 anysex gun license. Iowa Land owner’s can receive an additional anysex license if they choose, in order to further control the population on their property.

· Bow – October until January (one buck tag)
· Early Muzzleloader (gun) – one week in October (one buck tag for any one of the gun seasons)
· Shotgun #1 (gun) – 5 days in December
· Shotgun #2 (gun) – one week after shotgun #1
· Late Muzzleloader (gun) – after shotgun #2 in December until January 10
· Late Antlerless (rifle) – After Jan. 10 to reduce the population in the southern counties – antlerless deer only (until doe quota reached)
Link: http://www.iowadnr.gov/Hunting/DeerHunting.aspx

Purpose: To analyze Iowa’s deer population, debate with other interest groups, work together for a solution, and to present that solution to the DNR.

Procedure/Problem: You will be assigned an interest group and partners. You will fill out a contract to keep everyone in the group accountable. In your group, you are to research your interest group and their stances/viewpoints and present to the class a solution (your opinion) as to what should happen with Iowa’s current deer seasons, laws/regulations, quotas, if anything. After your presentation, you will need to represent and defend your group and come up with a solution to present to the DNR with all of your classmates.

You are to include and document 4 sources (2 interview/2 web) for your presentation. The 2 interviews need to be through phone, person, or email. We will provide a list of questions, but you need to come up with 3 other questions to ask.

After research, you need to present your research to the class in some form of media (PPT, Prezi, Video, website, etc). A rubric will be provided.

After your presentation, you will participate in a whole-class debate on Iowa’s deer population. During the debate, you will need to decide, as a whole class, what your recommendation will be as one unit. You can decide how you want to recommend and defend that stance to the DNR (again, PPT, Prezi, video, website, etc)

Twice a week you will be asked to fill out a “What did I do” Google Form to keep track of your progress and give you goals for the next work period.

Before and during the unit, you will be responsible for our content taught and homework associated with that content. Ecology is the over-arching unit and we will still teach content related to our project.

Questions asked to interviewers

What is the deer population in Iowa and is it a problem?

What causes the deer population to rise and fall?

Are predators a factor in the number of deer in Iowa?

Is habitat a factor in the number of deer in Iowa?

Is hunting a factor in the number of deer in Iowa?

What laws should be changed to help manage the deer population in Iowa?

What should the lawmakers do to control the deer population in Iowa?

Why is the deer population important in the state of Iowa?
Unbiased opinions? Impossible! Hunters--Lots a deer,yea! Farmers--No deer yea! Insurance Co's--No deer,Yea! End of questions!
Unbiased opinions? Impossible! Hunters--Lots a deer,yea! Farmers--No deer yea! Insurance Co's--No deer,Yea! End of questions!

No... You guy's PLEASE be biased! I, as a teacher, am trying to be as unbiased as possible when introducing the project. :way:
Yeah I'll help you.

I'm an insurance agent in Indiana. Although I don't agree with my industries stance I can certainly talk about it and make the argument why they feel that way.

Shoot me a PM if interested and I can send you my contact information.

Great project by the way! I love it!
Yeah I'll help you.

I'm an insurance agent in Indiana. Although I don't agree with my industries stance I can certainly talk about it and make the argument why they feel that way.

Shoot me a PM if interested and I can send you my contact information.

Great project by the way! I love it!

Thanks HH! Perfect. Please let them know your voice and your opinion.
Looks like an interesting project for your students. Don't forget that the insurance company's main interest in deer is probably reducing deer/car collisions. I'm sure some are effected by crop damage but most the belly aching I hear is about collisions and property damage.
Looks like an interesting project for your students. Don't forget that the insurance company's main interest in deer is probably reducing deer/car collisions. I'm sure some are effected by crop damage but most the belly aching I hear is about collisions and property damage.

You are exactly right as the main focus is auto collisions from the industry along with crop damage property damage among other things....
I can help from a NR landowner perspective. I'm a little far away for the round table but I could call in. Let me know.
I am a Federal wildlife biologist working in wildlife and habitat management. I grew up in Iowa, moving away when I was 23 and now I'm a NR hunter. I'm happy to help in any way that you think I can. I've done several guest lectures for high school classes, college classes, and wildlife organizations. Be forewarned, though; I tend to leave my personal opinions out of discussions and talk science. My opinions are typically based on the data and sound science. If you don't think I can help with this project, no worries. Maybe something in the future, especially if you start talking rare species, etc.
I am in CR and will be starting my 26th year or so of hunting, I can give some time from a hunters aspect. Bow and muzzleloader mainly now.
You are exactly right as the main focus is auto collisions from the industry along with crop damage property damage among other things....
And on this note, since Iowa hunters have done a great job over the last few years of getting the deer herd back at "target levels", why haven't my car insurance rates dropped? (no tickets, accidents or claims on my part). Not attacking you personally hoosierhunter, just something I have wondered.
You may already be aware of it, but on the IDNR site there is a ton of information under the different years trends in hunting. Such as the rapid reduction of the total harvest numbers over the last 6 years, and the big drop in the car deer accidents per million miles driven over the same time frame. I have also asked several DNR people what our current population numbers are and have never been given a real answer. From a hunter's view point I have preached for years on here that we are over harvesting the does and that our deer hunting is rapidly declining because if it, as the harvest numbers point out. We are starting to lose hunter numbers due to lack of success and lack of land access, and once these hunters and their revenue are lost it will be extremely difficult to get them back. Even with our supposedly Great Hunting, the last two years have only yielded less than one deer killed for every three licenses sold. Last year there were almost 400,000 licenses sold and only about 120,000 deer harvested. :thrwrck:

I would help if I can from the view point of a hunter who is a land owner that is on the border of a very large public hunting area with WAY fewer deer than a few years ago. You could PM me for an e mail address. Thanks for attempting a project that might change the way young people view this subject.:D
We will be starting this project at the end of this week and beginning of next, so students will most likely be in touch with you next week and the following week.

Thanks again to all who are helping.

People should be getting emails and phone calls now. Feel free to copy/paste your responses if you get multiple emails from students. Man, this project is going GREAT and it is major icing on the cake now that we're getting answers from you guys.

I made them come up with 3 additional questions of their own, so those questions will be different from group to group.

Thanks again!
Answered one email yesterday and got another email asking for a good time to call or if I preferred email. Hope they don't mind long-winded science for answers!
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