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Help stop lead ban in tackle


PMA Member
I put this in a different post too, but I think it's important enough it bears repeating & deserves its own thread.

The linked website does a better job of explaining this than I could, so per the Keep America Fishing website:

"On August 23, 2010, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was petitioned by the Center for Biological Diversity and four other organizations to ban all lead in fishing tackle under the Toxic Substances Control Act. This includes sinkers, jigs, weighted fly line, and components that contain lead such as brass and ballast in a wide variety of lures, including spinners, stick baits and more.

It is important that anglers send your comments now! Let your voice be heard!

On August 27, 2010, the EPA denied the petition for ammunition but maintained the petition to ban lead fishing tackle".

There is more info on the linked site, but that's the highlight of what's going on.

Please click on the link below and follow the instructions to send a message to your state & district representatives. It literally takes less than a minute to do.
Thank you!!

Did this a couple weeks ago. it only takes a minute and is very necessary!
I'm not usually a Harkin fan, but I got this email from him today regarding the email that was sent to him about the lead ban and I was pleasantly impressed and thought I'd share his thoughts-

Dear Dave:
Thank you for taking the time to contact me regarding a petition submitted to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) by the American Bird Conservancy and four other entities to ban the manufacture, processing, and distribution in commerce of lead fishing sinkers and other lead-containing fishing gear. This issue is of considerable interest to me because a ban on lead in fishing gear would imply major changes and possibly business failure for fishing gear manufacturers, as well as require major changes for recreational sport fishermen across the country. In 1995, because of these same concerns, I introduced a bill in the Senate (S.505) to prohibit a similar EPA action after EPA had issued a proposed rule for a similar ban. I believe EPA's subsequent decision to halt that rulemaking action reflected sound judgment at that time.
On October 5th, I sent a letter to EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson to express these concerns and to urge EPA to thoughtfully and thoroughly review the petition and supporting documents, the comments that have been submitted to EPA, and the implications of any potential regulations on the fishing gear industry and the many thousands of small businesses serving the sport fishing community, as well as the millions of recreational fishermen themselves across the country.

I specifically urged EPA to carefully consider whether the available scientific information on the environmental impact of lead in fishing sinkers and other fishing gear is significant enough to warrant a ban and thus cause serious disruptions to the industry and the sport fishing community. In addition, and in light of the fact that some state fish and game agencies also are reviewing this issue, I urged EPA to carefully weigh whether or not any action at the federal level is warranted.
Again, thank you for taking the time to contact me. Please be assured I am following this issue closely.


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