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Help with Score and Age


New Member
This is my first mature deer and I need some help scoring and aging him. I realize you can't score from a picture, but just looking for an idea.
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Congrats on the deer. I would also say in the 120's range. Just curious as to why you think he's mature? Not trying to knock you, just an honest question. What characteristics does the deer have that would lead you to believe that he's mature, which is 4.5 and over. I often wonder the guidelines that people set to determine if a deer is truely "mature" or not. Again, not being critical or judgmental, just curious.
Congrats on the deer. I would also say in the 120's range. Just curious as to why you think he's mature? Not trying to knock you, just an honest question. What characteristics does the deer have that would lead you to believe that he's mature, which is 4.5 and over. I often wonder the guidelines that people set to determine if a deer is truely "mature" or not. Again, not being critical or judgmental, just curious.

Thanks for the help everyone! I just assumed that he was mature comparing him to the rest of the deer I have seen on the property. Like I said, I don't have any experience aging deer. I was guessing 3.5, but that is just a guess.
Thanks for the help everyone! I just assumed that he was mature comparing him to the rest of the deer I have seen on the property. Like I said, I don't have any experience aging deer. I was guessing 3.5, but that is just a guess.

You are spot on in my opinion. He is 3.5, possibly 4.5 but mostly likely 3.5. 2 yr olds just don't get neckswell at all. If he is bigger than anything you've been seeing then he is mature to you and that is all that matters. Congrats on a nice buck!
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