Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



I just posted a pic in the Trophy room wondering what you all thought.....can someone move it over to here? What did I do wrong....
Looks like a shooter to me.
so what did I do wrong to not post this pic in the Trail Cams section. Can someone explain....

Everyone I have shown this deer to tell me to hold off another year......Think he's 3.5?
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: fastfreddy</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Everyone I have shown this deer to tell me to hold off another year......</div></div>

Probably because they want frst crack at him this year.

As far as picture posting, I got no help. I can barely turn this thing on.

The 'Bonker
I had the same problem as you with posting a pic.
When it's in the trophy room you should have a thumnail size and a larger size pic. Right click on the larger and "copy" the URL. Make sure the URL has the word "medium" or something other than "thumb". Then go completely out of the trophy room, type your message and when you're ready, right click and "paste" the URL you copied from the trophy room. It should be there. When you preview your message you should be able to see it.
If memory serves me correctly that's how it worked for me. There's a really great tutorial on the "Whitetail Conference" section also.
Good luck, if what I told you is incorrect someone will correct me. They helped me out on my pic post.
its whatever you feel is a trophy, antlers are out side his ears, he is mature. could stand more mass , but his genetics may not be there,if you get a crack at him, its your decision, good luck.
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