Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company




This is my venting, but I'm sure that most of you will agree and probably can relate to my situation.

SD gun season started Saturday Nov. 15th in my unit and unfortunately I didn't draw a tag, so I was forced to guide for normal group around it hopes of getting a shot at 'the big buck'. We never did, but did get 3 nice 5x5s in the 130 class and everyone had a good time.
My father called me that Tuesday and had seen 'the big one' in one of our groves. Cool. I was planning on coming back to archery hunt Sunday night so I told him to keep an eye on him and called him, Wed, Thurs, and Friday. The report was always the same. He's bedding in the trees, coming out and feeding on our cornpile and going right back to the trees and never leaving our land. This is good.

Alittle history on the buck. We never saw him during the day, but I had 2 pictures from my trail cam of him only 20 yards from my one and only treestand. The pictures showed that he was a 7x8 with split brow tines and great mass. Both pictures were around 1:30 AM - nocturnal. But the rut had drawn him out during shooting hours.

On Saturday, Dad calls me. Our neighbors saw the buck going back to the trees. They went a got 2 snowmobiles and a ATV and chased him from one side of our land to the other (6 miles) and shot him on our land without permission.
Unfortunately, my dad doesn't take deer hunting as seriously as I do. And on top of it, the neighbors who shot the deer are related to us.

I was pissed and told dad to call the warden, but they are relatives and we rely on them on help us with cattle and farming.

I've wrestled with what I should or can do about it.
1. Shot every deer we have and ruin their hunt next year just like they ruined mine. (Probably not the best idea, but would make me feel better.)

2. Spray paint of fence posts a bright color and post more trespassing signs.
3. Recruit some friends next year to sit on our hilltops with cellphones and have a game warden on speed dial.
4. Turn around and do the same thing to them.

5. Shut down the ranch to hunting entirely. Now I understand why some land owners say no to hunting.

What would you guys do. I'm pissed and can't really seem to think of anything that would be effective and get my point across, without starting a family feud.
Any help is appreciated.
Sorry about my ranting, but this sucks.

The buck by the way had 21 scorable points and grossed over 180.
I'd be upset also. You could call the warden but like you said that would just cause a fued. I WOULD go tell the A-holes who shot him that they didn't have permission to hunt on that land and now they never will.
Cool off then go talk with them. Obviously, they are taking liberties that they think are there, but are not. More "No Trespassing" signs won't work because I sense they think rights to the property have been earned through their labor. I find it interesting you refer to them as neighbors first. Must be more to this story.
Nonetheless, be prepared for them to get ticked and pull out from helping. Might be a good idea to discuss approaching them with your father first. Anyway, in my opinion I wouldn't be passive aggressive like the items on your list. Go talk to them and come to an understanding about respect for property and asking permission. Be more like Andy Griffith and remember, no deer is worth starting a huge family feud. Just my 2 cents. Good luck.
That Sucks! You need to rave a round table meeting and you will need to call the meeting to order. Keep your cool and keep us informed on how it goes.
Hunt on All4s
Sorry to hear about the problems you are having. My parents have the same issue with some of thier neighbors. I am glad it's not family. I agree you need to have a round table and discuss this with them. Stay calm. you catch more flies with honey than vinegar.
Chasing it with ATVs and Snowmobiles is completely out of line, however what I would do depends upon your past relationship with your neighbors? In the past had they been told to stay off your dad's property or have they had permission so it would be reasonable for them to believe that your dad would not care this time? If they had been told to stay off, I would tell them that this is the last straw and you are considering calling the sherif. If they give you crap, I would follow through. Either way I would also spread the word in town how they POACHED the deer so they could not brag about it and make themselves out to be "Great Hunters".

If they had any reason to believe that they had permission or your dad would not care, I would ask your dad to back you up in telling them that hunting your ground means doing it legally. And any more illegal actions will result in no hunting privledges.

It stinks either way.

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