Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Here's hoping


Active Member
Been finding some that have eluded 4 + weeks of rifles. Truthfully have my fingers crossed for them to make it another 5 days.
This guy's body isn't overly big so I think he's younger.


Another smaller bodied "youngster".

Only an 8...but I have visions of a nice matched set of sheds.
This pine ridge has screamed buck spot for yrs...it's covered in scrapes.
However, this is the only daylight pic of an older buck I got there. I can't believe how small his body makes his antlers look, based on last yrs sheds and pics throughout the yr I honestly think he'll go 160.
I know you've shot some giants Kaare, especially that one giant non-typical, but most of your trail cam pics are almost perfectly typical giant bucks...

Do you see much of a non-typical gene up there?? Every once in awhile you have some big drop tines, but nothing that is just way out of wack...

What I wouldn't do to find one nice chocolate shed!! Wait, I'd like to just find ONE shed each year! :D
May those buck's senses be extra keen...until next bow season when they walk right under your stand with nasal congestion, excessive ear wax buildup and macular degeneration in both eyes. :D

Here's hoping they make it through Kaare. My fingers are crossed too for the upcoming shotgun season during the next few weeks.
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