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Hey Muddy and Bonk's

I must confess, I have never tried Templeton Rye.

Many many years ago I was working for Midwest Leg which was part of Iowa Star Silo out of Adair Iowa. I think it was 1974 or ’75. We were putting up a big group of silos in Templeton. I was on the leg crew (the grain handlers going up the side of the silo) and we were putting in the dump pit. We had helped the foundation crew dig the hole, fill it with “fill sand”, form up the sides and tie the rebar. The water table was about 12 feet and I think the foundation was around 24 feet deep. It was a huge mess. I remember one day about quitin time a guy came by and offered us a taste of his Templeton Rye. I passed but most of the guys tried it. I had had a bad experience a few weeks before with Canadian Club and the thought of drinking whiskey about did me in.

Anyway, a few years after the silos were done they started leaning. I remember reading an article in the DSM Register about them. I say to this day it was the guys that drank the Templeton Rye that caused the silos to lean. Or maybe it was the high water table and the deep foundation.

That was my first exposure to Templeton Rye. At the time I thought it was BS. I kick myself for not trying it but I tell ya what, it would take something very special for me to give up Makers as my “go to” thinkin juice.

Nice link. Gave me a walk down memory lane, well, what I remember of it.

And Muddy, “Boinker”? Oh well. Consider the source.
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