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HF 2086


Life Member
House File 2062
Partial Bill History
Bill Introduced: H.J. 86.2
Complete Bill History
Bill Text
1 1 Section 1. Section 481A.130, subsection 1, paragraph g,
1 2 Code Supplement 2003, is amended by striking the paragraph and
1 3 inserting in lieu thereof the following:
1 4 NEW PARAGRAPH. g. For each antlered deer, reimbursement
1 5 shall be based on the point score of the antlered deer as
1 6 measured by the Boone and Crockett club's scoring system for
1 7 whitetail deer as follows:
1 8 (1) Less than 100 points: Two thousand dollars and eighty
1 9 hours of community service or, in lieu of the community
1 10 service, a total of four thousand dollars.
1 11 (2) 100-125 points: Four thousand dollars and eighty
1 12 hours of community service or, in lieu of the community
1 13 service, a total of eight thousand dollars.
1 14 (3) 126-150 points: Six thousand dollars and eighty hours
1 15 of community service or, in lieu of the community service, a
1 16 total of twelve thousand dollars.
1 17 (4) 151-170 points: Eight thousand dollars and eighty
1 18 hours of community service or, in lieu of the community
1 19 service, a total of sixteen thousand dollars.
1 20 (5) More than 170 points: A minimum of ten thousand
1 21 dollars or such additional amount as is deemed reasonable in
1 22 the discretion of the court and eighty hours of community
1 23 service or, in lieu of the community service, a minimum of
1 24 twenty thousand dollars or such additional amount as is deemed
1 25 reasonable in the discretion of the court.
1 27 This bill increases the damages payable to the state by a
1 28 person convicted of unlawfully selling, taking, catching,
1 29 killing, injuring, destroying, or possessing any antlered deer
1 30 at any time. The bill provides that for any antlered deer,
1 31 reimbursement shall be based on the point score of the
1 32 enduring trophy characteristics of the deer (such as antlers
1 33 and skulls) as measured by the Boone and Crockett club's
1 34 scoring system for measuring native North American big game,
1 35 as it pertains to whitetail deer.
2 1 The Boone and Crockett club's point score and the
2 2 corresponding damages payable are as follows:
2 3 1. Less than 100 points: $2,000 and 80 hours of community
2 4 service or, in lieu of the community service, a total of
2 5 $4,000.
2 6 2. 100-125 points: $4,000 and 80 hours of community
2 7 service or, in lieu of the community service, a total of
2 8 $8,000.
2 9 3. 126-150 points: $6,000 and 80 hours of community
2 10 service or, in lieu of the community service, a total of
2 11 $12,000.
2 12 4. 151-170 points: $8,000 and 80 hours of community
2 13 service or, in lieu of the community service, a total of
2 14 $16,000.
2 15 5. More than 170 points: A minimum of $10,000 or such
2 16 additional amount as is deemed reasonable in the discretion of
2 17 the court and 80 hours of community service or, in lieu of the
2 18 community service, a minimum of $20,000 or such additional
2 19 amount as is deemed reasonable in the discretion of the court.
2 20 LSB 5082YH 80
2 21 av/pj/5
I'd vote for it.

The only thing I'd change would be the total gross score with out deductions, otherwise it's kind of a gray area.
So this would make us shed hunters crimanals right! How many of you guys have antlers from deer that you found dead or roadkill? [ QUOTE ]
possessing any antlered deer
at any time.

[/ QUOTE ]
To Shedhuntermd: I was wondering about shed hunters when I read this bill, one can only hope that the bill doesn't apply to sheds or racks found on dead deer from hunting seasons past?Blake
I gotta wonder about the wording of this one.right now Im sitting in the middle of 30,000$ worth of antlers from deer Ive killed over the last 10 yrs and theres not a tag on any of em even though they were all legally killed.And Ive probably got that many dollars worth of racks off dead deer Ive found while hunting.Can they actually show up now and arrest me for all these "illegal" racks?
It says unlawfully at the start of that whole string. So if none were collected in an unlawful manner there shouldn't be an issue. If you were trespassing at the time...
In regards to the possesion of antlers still attached to the skull plate (i.e. not sheds) this was the DNR policy as of two years ago. It might have changed since then.

Deer/Antlers found on PRIVATE PROPERTY:

. .
" antlers are found on private property, and there is no evidence the deer was killed illegally as determined by a conservation officer, the finder may keep those antlers, unless the property owner"requests the antlers. If a dispute among the parties arises, then the antlers will be salvaged to the landowner.
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