Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

High Roller Is Back....and BIG!


The Hunt Never Ends....
Last year I got permission on a new farm. It was unlike most farms that I hunted due to the fact that it was 90% CRP. I am used to hunting highly timbered areas and had no experience with hunting open areas. I didn't have high hopes of seeing many big deer on it, but I decided to give it a try anyway and put a few cams up. To my surprise the farm had some deer with some great potential and a few shooters.

Here was on of them. I called him High Roller and he showed up in October of last year (2009). On November 7th, 2009 I had High Roller at 30 yards but was unable to get a shot off at him due to a strong quartering too angle.
High Roller 2009


DWilk and I were lucky enough to stumble upon his right shed earlier this spring (March 2010), and I patiently waited until this summer to put a few cameras back up to see what he turned into. I had a feeling that he could make a big jump, and that he did. He turned into a PIG.
High Roller 2010






The landowner and I planted 5.5 acres of soybeans about 3.5 weeks ago and they are growing good. I'm hoping that I can connect with him during bowseason, but if not then I hope the beans keep him around for late muzzy.

If you had to guess, what do you think he will score? I have my thoughts, but was wondering what you all had to think. Your input is greatly appreciated :way:
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Yowsa!! I would say is going to be at least 180". I would start making some ground blinds now if this farm is nearly all CRP.
Yowsa!! I would say is going to be at least 180". I would start making some ground blinds now if this farm is nearly all CRP.

Yeah, you're right. I need to figure out a few more setups for this fall.

Last year I put my lone wolf up in this tiny little tree. I could nearly touch the platform from the ground, and figured that I would get spotted for sure. I had had no other choice! Lol, but it did work out better than expected, and I was never spotted.
What a dandy. You definately have some tough choices with the bucks you've been sharing pics of..... Good luck
looks very similar to the buck I killed last Oct. Mine went 174 and change, but did not have the kickers. I would say he will gross high 70's, but always hard to be exact in velvet. Definately one to put on the wall! Always nice to have choices though.
What a slob Chris, hope you arrow him, o wait you have 5 other giants to choice from ha ha. Good luck this year man.
What an amazing buck! You are doing your homework and it looks as if you are going to have a great adventure this fall! :way:
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