Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company


Mmmmm I bet that loin is tender! There you go folks, you like to feed the deer so much, and you worry about it getting shot or running into a car, bring it inside and care for it!
am i the only one that thinks that would be cool??????

hahahaha silly doe
Kind of a runt for 5 years old, but if she learned how to turn on the lights it tells me thay are very intelligent creatures.

The 'Bonker
I think it would be pretty awesome aswell. I doubt things would stink any worse than any other house pet.
I am surprised a State DNR would let someone do that. They usually are strict about having deer as pets. An old lady picked up a fawn in the state I came from and the DNr almost had her in jail for it!
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