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since i havn't actually started a post in quite a few months i figured i'd better start gearing up for my busy fall posting schedule and start things out right. check out this hog.

That is totally wild!That hog could be a center on an NBA team.If that is the only proof he has that he shot the hog,it is going to be a little hard to get almost everyone to believe it.
I don't understand why he didn't at least have the head mounted.They mount elk,African game and animals with larger heads than that all the time.Not that anything isn't possible but if that is all that he has for proof alot of people might be doubtin.
That is defintiely a wild pic though Muddy.
would you put that thing up on the wall?? fallguy might, but seriously, anyone else??
That would be pretty nasty on a wall. He should have donated it to Cabelas or Bass Pro or a museum for them to do a full body mount of it.
I would have tried to get a couple of DNR officers in the picture. That might help validate that he did kill it and it is not a hoax. I think it is legit.
They could have used a hippo head form to mount that sucker
. I went with my cousin to pick up his elk mount and the taxidermist was in the process of mounting a hippo head.
i'm guessing it's legit. wouldn't think that CNN would post something like that and not follow up on it a little.

anyone remember on the outdoor channel that 700 pound hog in the wallow that some dude stalked and shot with his recurve? a few hundred more pounds on a feral hog ain't too hard to pack on if they work out real hard.

i say real.
well sense he has it burried somewhere i say why not send in someone to recover the skeleton or something rather? then there is proof, and he would know right where it is barried sence him and the plantation owner dug and put the hog in themselves.

I dunno about this one looks real but now in days you could make it look like u shot the identical twin to the hole in the horn buck if you were good with computers. As to what i think i'll hold it as a hoax till someone proves me different.

just my 2 cents,

i'm sure it's possible but to just bury it sounds fishy. That would have made one hell of a mount with 9" tusks and one big fat head
I remember that episode muddy. That was pretty impressive. Sounds a little fishy why they don't want evidence of this thing. I agree that a mount would have been a must. Even if it was for Cabela's or someplace. WOW!
Personally I think this is a hoax. Here's why. They say they had to lift this hog with a backhoe. Clearly (if you look at the picture) there are no trees that would be growing where the hog is tied for it to be hanging from. And if it's hanging from the bucket of a backhoe, it must have been a hell of a big backhoe for the arm not to be in the picture. Also why wouldn't the local DNR agents want to go out, recover the remains he buried and take measurements to see if it was in fact a new state record? Very very skeptical of this. As far as CNN being the source goes....they are wrong more often than they are right on just about everything they report. They don't call it the Clinton News Network for nothing...
If you look at the picture you can see the shadow of the backhoe or what ever is holding it up. But it doesn't make any sence why they killed it if they just buried the thing with out saving any part of the animal. So what if someone else would have killed it. At least they would have had it as a trophy. Instead of doing nothing but take a picture. FAKE
I would boil out the skull if I shot one of those. Never a mount though, to ugly to put on a wall. I would never put anything more ugly than me on my wall.
I bet this guy never thought he would have made the MSN homepage this afternoon. My guess is that there was probably someone out there that would have paid him a good chunk of money for mounting purposes. I think it's probably real, I do remember seeing that 6 or 7 hundered pounder hanging from a tree a couple years ago. No reason why a pig that big couldn't have easily gained a couple more hundred pounds given enough time.
Muddy, come on......CNN valid????
You must be a Democrat, huh? Oops...
So.......Mitch Rompola's been hog huntin huh????OK,OK.....before any Rompola backers jump out,I couldn't help myself
anyone remember on the outdoor channel that 700 pound hog in the wallow

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I saw that show and it was impressive to see that guy stand his ground while that monster stared at him 10 yards away. If I remember right it was actually 780 lbs. and 8 ft. long. They had to lift it with a Bobcat to move it.

I remember the show host saying to the guy how brave he was to stand there and the guy said he was just to afraid to move. I wish I had taped the show, I'd sure like to see it again.
Wow Muddy! I'd say real but then it is getting to where you can't beleive anyone anymore without a christian swearing to it.
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