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Holding Arm Tips


Land of the Whitetail
I'm looking for some tips or to hear what some of you guys do regarding your holding arm for when it gets cold out and its time to bundle up. Even during November some days in the stand it gets real cold up there and I bundle up good to stay warm. Doing this often times it really affects my holding arm for the bow. I've never taken a shot while real bundled up, but I have target practicing for if the situation arises. And, if I don't pat down my holding arm or push agaisnt it often times when I shoot the string will hit the clothing on my holding arm and make a loud noise and/or mess up the shot. Since I didn't fill my anysex tag in the early season, I'll be out a few times late season to try and get it done and I know this will be an issue. I've thought about maybe just cutting out the sleeve area on a couple layers to prevent the string from hitting. Does anyone else have this issue and if so how do you deal with it?
A good arm guard should do the trick. I keep 3 heavy duty rubber bands in my bibs pocket and use them as a poor man's arm guard when I have on my heavy coat...works like a champ :way:

Yep arm gaurd or that sock thingy that Real Tree makes works good for holding down your coat on your bow arm.

Mobile Cooter using IW
A tight arm guard would work. The best thing to do is save up and invest in good clothing so that you don't have to get all bulky. I used to look like the michelin man out there with all the stuff I used to where. It is so much nicer when you don't feel bulky up in the tree. This year I only had one morning where I broke out the long underwear and it was 6 degrees out. The cabelas berber fleece windshear vest does wonders as well. Just slip it on under a coat and your arms aren't bulky any more and you will stay warm all day.
i agree with above, quality clothing will do the trick. I have a heavy Cabelas bowhunting jacket that i wear late season, its not really bulky but the arms have zippers on them that really taper the jacket down from your elbow to the wrist. Works really nice plus its super warm
Thanks for the advice. I can't afford good hunting gear at the moment. The past few years I've been like Liv going as the Michellen Man. I graduate college on Friday and next year I definitly plan on being warm and being able to manuver!!!
I use a compression sleeve that has a hole for your thumb and you pull it up over your coat sleeve. It really helps keep things out of the way. I think I got it at Cabelas.
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