Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Holy rainstorms !!


PMA Member
You boys down south keep an eye on the rivers, as I'm sure any trophy bucks we may have had up here will be floating down your way soon.
Eight+ inches in 30 hours...you'd think we lived in hurricane country

Eleven inches here in the big city of Granville. Been pumping water and poop out all morning, the citys sewer system backed up - not fun
9 1/2" here Im guessing my favorite stand along the river will be a little tough to get to for a few weeks. Ive been telling myself to stay out of it until rut. I guess I might now unless I get a canoe.
We only got an 1/8 of an inch here in Clarinda. Sure could have used more-nothing like you guys got though.
its nuts, we're on a 3 day overnight sampling trip in Decorah and we checked a web site, the Winnebago River went from about 20 cubic feet per second to 2500 cubic feet persecond overnight. the little cedar and shellrock will be next!!

little edit here...just checked the USGS gauge station listings...winnebago river in mason city is pushing 5500 cubic feet per second right now...that is absolutely nuts, i'm betting dollars to pesos that our $3000 sampler is a bobber right now.
that is pretty nuts muddy that winnebago river is pushing 155,740 kg/s of water, thats ALOT !!!!
LIV, yeah, considering that on average in that area it's about mid shin deep. when mother nature gets mad it can be totallly nuts.
On the bright side, that secret hideaway we always hunt on duck opener shouldn't be nearly as much work to get to. Hell...I think we could probably run an outboard through the slough this weekend

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