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Homebrew Scent Killer Question


Arrow Chucker
For you guys that brew your own...where on earth do you buy your peroxide? The stuff in the brown bottle is NOT the way to go correct?
Save the hassle and just buy the scent killer. It's not worth trying to do yourself, if you ask me. I've tried a couple times in the past and it does not work nearly as well.
Jake, I mixed this concoction in large batches and placed it in a plastic pump up gallon home and garden sprayer, this past fall. I would spray my naked body, my groin,(up under the big twins), butt, arm pits, hair, face, EVERYWHERE. I used arm and hammer unscented deodorant, and always chewed peppermint gum. I had many mature whitetail close and downwind of me this last fall. I also sprayed my layers of clothing and boots with this spray. I wanted to test whether or not I could fool a whitetails nose. I am convinced, I did. I believe I covered enough of my odor, that what small amount they could smell, didn't cause them to bug out.

Ingredients for Scent Killer:

16 oz. (2 cups) Peroxide ( yes, I use the brown bottled stuff)

16 oz. (2 cups) Distilled Water or water from a dehumidifier

¼ cup baking soda

1 oz. On non-scented shampoo (I use Hunters Specialties green shampoo)

(Or adjust amounts to whatever size you make accordingly)

Let sit for several days (1 gallon milk jug works good with lid loose)
I would spray my naked body said:
Thank you for allowing me to better understand your name HARDCORE

That is exactly the info I was looking for. Thanks again :way:
I've always heard that the brown bottle peroxide was NOT the stuff to use?

I tried making this crap and all it does is make a huge mess all over the place.
Lol Jake and SB. I might as well give my opinion and description of how to do it. These are areas where human odor are developed and I would bet that 99% of guys only spray a little here and there on themselves. Muddy, here is the thread and the guy says brown bottle is fine. The best way to use this is get a $9 pump up gallon lawn and garden plastic sprayer. It is easy to use this way, and you can make up a big batch that will last you a while. I went through a gallon and 1/2 of this stuff last year. I just agitate the sprayer well, and it works just fine. You can toss the sprayer in the back of your truck, and do your outside clothing right before you head into the woods.

Well hell, if it's on the internet it must be true! ;)

The lawn sprayer is a good idea.
I tried making this crap and all it does is make a huge mess all over the place.

I don't see how you can make a mess making it unless you're a total klutz.:confused:

I guess i answered my own question.;):D
When I made it there was significant expansion of gas/air in the jugs, it then leaked all over the place, it was a mess. Then even after I cleaned it up there was white residue that was left over after drying out from the baking soda.
I used the lawn sprayer sprayer last year, and thought that it worked out great. Just got tired of filling it with $15.00 bottles of scent spray. I'll give it whirl this year. Not too sure I'll be polishing the family jewels with the stuff, I'd hate to make the ol' treasure trail look like Rudd's yard :D.
One of my favorite posts ever by the way.
Anyway...thanks for the info and I look forward to trying it out. :way:
Muddy, what kind of peroxide did you use?
A little expansion is expected but it sounds like you had a volcano. I make it just like shown in Don's link, and aside from the container hissing for a couple days it's good to go.
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