Jake, I mixed this concoction in large batches and placed it in a plastic pump up gallon home and garden sprayer, this past fall. I would spray my naked body, my groin,(up under the big twins), butt, arm pits, hair, face, EVERYWHERE. I used arm and hammer unscented deodorant, and always chewed peppermint gum. I had many mature whitetail close and downwind of me this last fall. I also sprayed my layers of clothing and boots with this spray. I wanted to test whether or not I could fool a whitetails nose. I am convinced, I did. I believe I covered enough of my odor, that what small amount they could smell, didn't cause them to bug out.
Ingredients for Scent Killer:
16 oz. (2 cups) Peroxide ( yes, I use the brown bottled stuff)
16 oz. (2 cups) Distilled Water or water from a dehumidifier
¼ cup baking soda
1 oz. On non-scented shampoo (I use Hunters Specialties green shampoo)
(Or adjust amounts to whatever size you make accordingly)
Let sit for several days (1 gallon milk jug works good with lid loose)