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Homemade Antelope Decoy?


Active Member
Hi Everyone,

I am sure everyone will laugh but I put together my best attempt to make a feeding doe antelope decoy. I know it don't look the best but not bad from 20 yards or so.

What I was wondering is I actually made this one to attach to my Zink 360 turkey decoy. I can spin the decoy from the blind to look like a feeding doe. For those that have antelope hunted, do you think it would work? I thought that a little movement might be key since they will probably spot the set up from 500 yards away.


if i was an antelope, I'd be fooled! I've never antelope hunted, but it's better than paying $100+ for a decoy.
I think it looks awesome. Hope you kill one over it. It always amazes me that those things work.
Made your own decoy, modified it to fit on a modified 360 turkey turner?

Should work, you may not be able to draw the herd buck away from the other does, but one of the satellite bucks should come over and take a closer look. If you can set up near a water source it will be ever better. Good luck. Wish I was headed back to Cody this fall.
Thanks guys. I am hoping any antelope will check it out. I am really not picky at all. The decoy is made out of presentation board. I put a yard stick on one side and on the other side is half inch PVC. It basically makes a big T on both sides of the decoy. I then drilled holes through the ruler and decoy and zip tied the yard stick and PVC together so it holds the decoy tight.

The PVC then slides over the 1/4 inch all thread on the Zink 360 and I drilled 3/32 holes through it and the PVC and put in two cotter pins to hold it so it will spin. I also painted it up to look like a 3rd leg. Kind of crazy LOL.

I also have Thomas's mel dutton for stalking which is awesome!! Thanks again!

Before Thomas loaned me his I tried my best hand at making one. This one hear actually attaches to my bow and then it free stands. Works pretty good and hasn't affected accuracy at all.


This is what it looks like from the back with bow attached.

I made another doe too but not sure if I will use it since I found a cheap feeding montana decoy feeding doe.

Who knows if any will work but I know the mel dutton will!!
That bow mounted decoy just might work. I arrowed my 2nd biggest antelope, just walking parrallel to him, holding up the dutton decoy on totally flat ground. He pretty much ignored me while I waked 150+ yards with him angleing closer as we went. The tough part was once I got in range dropping down trying to stick the decoy in the rocky ground and then drawing. It worked on the 3rd try. You have that problem solved with it mounted on your bow. We always walk holding the dutton up about chest high when walking across open ground. Sometimes you look over your should and there will be one coming full bore. Without the decoy they are running when the see you 3/4 mile away.
That is why I made that decoy. I figured it would catch their attention enough to where I could take off running the other way.
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