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Homemade Scent Killer?



Has anyone ever come across this recipe for homemade scentkiller?I was just wondering if it's the real deal?Anyways last year I came across this on another site where one guy claimed it was.More or less he said, he said,nothing really to back the claim.He stated he couldn't mention any names being the individual that gave it to him could get in some serious trouble.But here it is.Mix 2Qts. of spring or well water(not chlorinated)with 1Qt.of hydrogen peroxide,1 cup of baking soda,and 1 oz.of liquid unscented soap in a gallon jug.(not a stinky milk jug)After mixing, cap, and shake,but very important that you crack the cap after shaking or the chemical reaction will split the jug.Do this several times for a couple days until the reaction has dissapated,then you should be ok to cap it for good without any problems.Use very little soap 1oz.,it's only used to help the solution flow better when you put some in your field bottle with a pump sprayer.Now remember,I'm not claiming that this is the real thing.But at times I often wonder if it is.Take Wildlife Research Scentkiller for instance,why don't they list the ingredients on the bottle,I know it's a scecret,but maybe this is all it really is, where someone could make it for a couple bucks a gallon verses their price of somewhere around 30 bucks a gallon.The other reason I often wonder is,once I acidentally spilled some on my workbench, which dried to a white crusty spot.So I have to believe the main ingredient is baking soda.Could this be the real thing or does someone know differently?
Is this what you are speaking about? Also I would highly recommend trying "The Ghost"
scent eliminator spray. They are one of our sponsors and many have had excellent results with it.
Thans alot Rudd,I got it from another site,but it's the same thing.After seeing that site also,I definitely believe it's worth trying,Thanks again.
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