one thing to keep in mind. I bought mine for last year and used the heck out of it. one day middle of the season, the bolt holding the blade on the saw base was missing and the blade fell out..... i could not locate the bolt and nut... So, I sent an email to the company and without question, they sent me a replacement saw, with extra nut the following day. I was VERY impressed with the customer service.
Now I used mine probably more than the average bear, and the owner/designer was very appreciative of the feedback. he told me that this was a reoccuring problem and one he was addressing. Well this year, the nut and bolt fell out again as I was hanging stands. I was able to recover both parts, put a little lock-tite on it and it wont move.....
that option is there to replace the blade if needed. but that uber-sharp blade probably will last just fine if you dont run it through a big nail or something.
So, make sure that bolt is good and snug with some lock-tite and you will be fine! :way: