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how a marine says good bye

Thank you to all our armed forces!
I know when I climb into my tree stand this weekend I'm going to take a few of those quite moments to thank the men and women in uniform that our fighting around the world for our freedom and giving up the the things they love so that I can do the things that I love!
i have a sister who joined the marines right after she got out of high school which was in 1984.. shes been in ever since and know shes retiring.. she figures she put her 23 years in time to get out and enjoy not having to go to work..shes been all over been over seas a few times but she wasnt there very long due to shes got 3 kids once she was gone for a week another time she was gona for 3 months and thats about the longest shes been over seas... plus my father in law was a marine so wasnt my brother in law..
WOW!that is so intense.To all of the young that defend go My prayers.My heart is with the US Forces.
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