Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

How do you cook these things?



I usually make breaded turkey nuggets and freeze em on on a cookie sheet w/my birds, but I would like to try a good sized breast on the grill. Any suggestions? I have also made some darn good stir-fry but you have to kill em' over a rice field...!
I like to grill them. The best way that I have found is to take season them slightly, Cut them into stips about 3" thick and the length on the breast, then I wrap bacon around them and put your favorite BBQ sauce on them cook them on Med-High for about 25 min and you will have some really good eating.
i took one half breast, cut into 2-3" strips, and soaked in italian dressing for about 8-10 hours. then wrapped each strip in a slice of bacon, secured with toothpics, and grilled. they were GREAT.

the next half breast was prepared the same way, but soaked in one bottle teriaki sauce, half a bottle of soy sauce, one diced onion, and 1/8-1/4 cup of liquid smoke. due to crappy weather, they soaked for an extra day. then strips were wrapped in bacon, and are on the grill right now.

the next bird will get atleast one half of the breast on the smoker
Here's alink to the MDC Conservation magazine online. I saw the article the other day and drooled a bit. There are photos included. One is bacon wrapped and smoked and looks fabulous. Check it out. MDC
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