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How do you take care of a bow after getting wet


New Member
Yes I hunted in the storm yesterday. I simply dried it off and put it near a heater vent. What else should I do or how should I have done it???
Your bow will be fine. Make sure you pull it back a few times before you sit in the tree with it. Worry more about your release if you use one. Make sure it got dried out well, you might even want to put a little vegetable oil in the contact points to make sure it doesn't freeze up on ya.
You won't have to worry about it in short terms. In longer terms, if you know if got a thourough soaking, it wouldn't hurt to have the axels cleaned and greased. It can be suprising how quickly some rust can build up in there sometimes. Its just fine short term. No worries, especially if its a newer bow. If it has a bit of age to it, it wouldn't hurt to have them cleaned and greased anyway.
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