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How Early ML season works for landowner & doe tags late season?


Staff member
Have a buddy that doesn't know what "the Internet" even is so I'm helping him. ;). Ok- landowner that does late season ML but not a ton. Maybe shoots zero or 1 buck a year. Doesn't like cold super well & wants to mix hunting up...
1) how does a guy get a early season ML tag? Do they sell out and how do u be assured of getting one? As in, apply the second they come available?
2) he legitimately wants to go out a few times late season and shoot a doe with ML. If can't get landowner doe tag- probably just do a bow tag for does. Do u know if he can still get a doe tag for late ML season for landowner or regular doe tag for ML late season?

I've never done it, maybe never will. He hasn't either. I know a few guys on here have shot mature bucks and some mammoths. Would u say most find it a "total flop" vs expectations of late ML where a mature buck is huntable and somewhat realistic? We all know a mature buck ANYTIME is both rare and hard to kill BUT how would u rate the early ML season for any realistic expectations on mature deer vs other seasons that r historically great: rut hunting, gun seasons on food, late ml on food, etc. any experiences appreciated!
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Just buy one when they come out. Don't have to apply. Usually sell out in about a week. Great time to kill a giant, just really at Mercy of the weather. Hard to put your eggs in that basket if you're not a landowner and can't get that 3rd tag.
Yup. They come out August 15. Be sure to buy within first 5 days. Some years they sell out faster than others. I like hunting the season but it's a gamble of weather and crops. We fare better on certain crop rotations. My brother killed a 163 early a couple years ago and we've seen some bigger during the season that weren't around come late muzzleloader so it can be good hunting.
Is he buying a landowner early muzzleloader tag? If so hos tag might not be affected by the quota. If I remember correctly he should still be able to buy late season tags.
Early ML landowner tags DO NOT come off the quota (unless they changed it recently). He should be able to purchase it at any time.
No landowner tags come off quota.

Skip does he shotgun hunt? Some guys like to save their Anysex landowner tag for shotgun because it's good for 1st & 2nd shotgun. He'll have 3 landowner doe tags for whatever season he wants too. That will cover shooting a few does late.
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