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How many guys to one area?


Active Member
i was wondering how many guys you can hunt on one area of land. our land is 60 acres but the turkeys are all in a 20 acre chunk of timber with a corn field on one edge and crp on the other. when there is one group of turkeys and 4 guys hunting how should you approach the situation. should you go two groups of two and try and get doubles? or should you just hunt one group or 2? thanks
I would spread out along the area. If you use ground blinds you get probably get away with grouping together if you have them patterned.
I would do 2 groups of 2, it would double your chance at getting a bird. That's just me though
I have hunted with a group of 4 and it always drove me nuts. Too many people throwing out too many calls, too much movement, and too much noise. If it was only a 20 acre chunk of timber, I would probably just split up and have each hunter hunt a different area and surround the area. I probably wouldn't call much, because they would probably be running my way anyways from all of my buddies calling around the block
If there is a bunch of ground, 2 person set ups work the best for me. Goodluck, sounds like an easy hunt to me
I hunted with 4 people before and we split into 2 groups Me and my younger bro and my dad & older bro went another way. Dad and I ended up calling a hot bird back and forth for about 45 mins before I figured out what was going on. Then I shut up and not long after that I heard BOOM!!!, my younger bro and I sat tight and looked the direction of the blast and here comes a different gobbler running...The gobbler ran right to us and met some no.5's right in the beak. So as a family we ended up taking home two birds.

I'd say split into two groups, but plan it out because one group may have to shut up to help the other group.

I don't usually see too many "groups" of gobblers in the spring time so I wouldn't concern yourself with that too much. Even if a bird is in an adjoining timber, it can be persuaded if you work your calls right. So your total of 80 acres for 4 people looks better if you think that way.
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