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how many tags can residents get this year???


Life Member
just wondering how many tags we will be able to get. not counting the late bonus season. i plan on definately going early bow, 1st season shotgun, and late muzzleloader. i would like to go early muzzleloader too, is that possible? since we only get 1 buck tag, i have to decide whether to use it shotgun, or late muzzle
well from what i know, or how it has been i should say. you can get two buck tags. one for bow, one for gun of your choice, but you cant get two buck tags for gun in a year. unless you get a landowner tag then you can get three bucks for iowa. then as far as does go, i think you can get up to two for a season of your choice, or like a doe bow, and a doe gun. im not really sure how that goes though, maybe other guys can help me out. i know you can get two landowner tags for does also, but then again like i said im not sure on all this so i wil probably need others knowledge. goodluck
might want to check, but you can get either sex bow and gun of choice. Then you can get the first doe only for $25 and more for $11. Not sure if there is a limit. They can be either bow or gun and some of each.
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