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How many tags do you buy and "not" fill?



Everyone hunts for different reasons, some for meat, some for antlers, some for the social aspect. In recent years I find my self being less concerned about "filling" every tag and more selective about what's taken. Usually buy 3 licenses each year just for the opportunity to hunt...maybe fill one. The challenge to outwit the old crafty bucks is irresistable...
I kinda see the same thing but when you buy as many tags as we do its nice to fill atleast 2 but sometimes nature has its way of stumping us.

We had 12 archery tags between 4 of us (4 any, 8 anterless) and i filled one anterless.

8 turkey tags, none filled.

And we had 8 shotgun tags that we hope to fill with atleast 3 does cuz we need to get some more does off to get the buck/doe ratio closer to the state goal.

I'd say I fill about 60% or so. Some tags I buy just for a excuse to go sit in the woods and watch the critters.

Some guys I know think its just marvelous to fill their tag in the 1st hour of the 1st day. I've done it once in 19 years, it was horrible!! Just think of all the couch time till next year!!

The doe tags do help some though!
i bought 14 tags so far, and filled 5, two of those 14 i didnt fill during early muzzle so i can get a possible of 12 still, if i dont go the late doe season and buy more tags
This year I purchased:
2 early muzzleloaders
3 bow

I filled 1 ML and 1 Bow so far, and I hope to fill the 2 other bow doe tags yet.

Last year I had 4 tags and filled 3.

I hunt because I love to be in the woods and most days I could care less if I harvest a deer, but the lure of a wallhanger helps me get out of bed on the cold mornings. However, I usually try to shoot at least 2 does for meat ever year because I love to make different kinds of sausage during the off season.

i shot one buck - 11 point with a bow- have one doe only tag left over - didn't really try to hard to fill that and i still have my shotgun 1 tag to fill- IN 2.5 days by the way i cant wait!!!
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