I was gonna voluteer to get my hair buzzed at the Rendezvous for a donation to my favorite charity, but some folks (NRA) don't think Make A Wish is a worthwhile foundation, so I was gonna throw it open to the PMA folks as to which charity the money would go to. Alas, I was unable to attend this year so I did the deed myself and the olny person to bennefit from it was me. Oh, and my son when he saw me and pulled on the place I had missed. I, for one, would be more than happy to donate to a charity in the name of Iowawhitetail.com. It maybe too late to get it set up for this year, but in the future I'd say lets do it. Unfortunately I am in full scent supression mode. Well, all execet the 1/4 inch the clippers left on my head. So I won't be a candidate.
The 'Bonker