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How my hog hunt went.


PMA Member
Well, lets just say that I blew my shot. The first day there I had a nice 150 lb boar come in. The wind was horrible though. When I finally had a shot on him it was about impossible to hold steady. I thought I missed just a bit high but after reviewing the video I was good up and down. It looks like he could have even jumped the string some. Anyway, a half hour after that my brother shoots a bobcat at 15 yards. Those things are alot bigger than I thought. They'd definetly leave a mark if ya got tangled up with one.

The next afternoon the same boar came in but not close enough for a shot. The fllowing day I put the bow down in favor of a little more long range equipment and never saw another pig. They were hitting the feeders pretty hard a night though.

I was surprised how many turkeys we had around. I could have tagged 6 or 8 Rio's in 3 days of hunting. Maybe next time. More importantly, I spent 3.5 days of quality time with my brother and son which is what it's about anyway.

This was my 1st attempt at videoing a hunt. It was all trial and error but but I think it turned out OK for a rookie. Here's a link...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UK1xd0FBHX0

Oh yeh, one more thing. I used a Kodak Z18 HDMI video camera and was really impressed with the thing. Small, light weight and easy to use. Great HD video for $190.00.
Man that was one jumpy piggy! I bet your heart rate was a bit high. Sorry about the miss, but the footage was good. I had no idea those hogs were that nervous. Thanks for sharing Perry. :way:
Two words..... BIG GUN!!!!! :D Bummer he wouldn't hold still for you. You will get him next time :way:
I had no idea those hogs were that nervous.

I didn't expect that either. But I've heard before that they can be as challenging to hunt as whitetails.

One morning I bailed out of the camper for a long walk to a stand and 5 minutes later Tyler opened the camper door and there stood a 100lb pig not 30 yards away. My brother said they usually have enough rifles in the camper to supply a third world army but not that morning. Tyler made a dash to the truck and grabbed the AR but the little pig was too fast.
Sounds like a great hunt, regardless of the harvest total. Great memories Perry!:way:
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