Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

How often.....???



How often do you guys see bucks?
I''ve hunted alot this bow season, and still haven't seen any bucks. Not even small ones.
I'm hunting a few good areas, by scrapes, BIG and small rubs, travel corridors, bedding areas, and feeding areas, but yet to have seen a buck this year.
I'm really concerned about eliminating human scent, and I do what ever it takes to eliminated, so i don't think deer are smelling me.
I'm just concerned, I'm wondering if i need to change my strategies.
Thanks and good hunting

I'd hang in there for a while yet. We're just now getting to the time when we'll start to see mature bucks moving around during shooting hours. For me, the best place to hunt bucks during this time of year are funnels around my property that lead from larger tracts of timber out to feeding areas such as cornfields and alfalfa fields. I don't set my stands on rub-lines or close to scrapes, I set them in the doe traffic lanes. Find the does this time of year, and your bound to have some bucks pass you by. As for not seeing any small bucks early in the season, it could just mean you have a larger percentage of mature bucks in your area that haven't shown themselves in daylight hours yet. We've got an early moon this year, this is a great time to be out, especially within the next two weeks. Good luck!!
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