The Silence
PMA Member
My friend and I have experienced the same thing 4-5 times the last couple of years. When bucks are traveling near doe bedding area, often times they will stop and visually inspect that area to see if any does are around. Or if we call to them, they will stop and do the same thing. They will stop to investigate where the sound is coming from and if they can't confirm anything they will move on. Do you guys use any tactics such as decoys of other things that may help draw these buck within shooting range? I also heard of a tactic a guy uses where he tied a rope to a piece of wood at the base of the tree and when the buck is scanning the area he moved it up and down (to produce the sound of an animal moving) as another piece of evidence that would convince bucks to come in and investigate. He said it really helps if the deer have at least 2 proofs that there is actually something there to check out.