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How would you score these...

150 Class

Well-Known Member
In photo #1, which ones are scored as typical and which ones are non-typical. The rack was mostly just how it looks in the photo with some tines pointing inwards.

In photo #2, are the drops at the end of each main beam a drop tine or are they the scored as the ends of the main beams.

Answers as I heard them will be shared later. Take a guess on how you would score them.


The top racks non typ points are the ones that don't grow from the center of the main beam in typ. fashion.
The bottom rack should be scored as the mainbeam ends.
That's my 2 cents.
The first one was harvested by a proud youth girl. I'm not sure about the history of the second one.

Anyone else want to take a stab at how they think we should score these racks?
Yep! That's her and she has the same smile on there in that photo that her and her family had while watching the antlers get scored! A very nice deer indeed.
I'm with Shovelbuck, I've always thought the tines have to come from the center of the main beam in "typical" fashion. As for the drops, those don't appear to be distinctly seperate from the main beams, just looks like the main beams turn down. That's my 2 cents.
Ummm hello...........Ide like to call and congradulate her, you got her number?

[/ QUOTE ]

Obviously Corey you don’t have a daughter yet.
I'd like to find out if her DAD has GOOD hunting ground!!! I would like to film her (from the tree) for the next hunt!!
#1 was pretty much as told by a couple of you with the typical tines coming off of the center of the main beams. The way I heard it explained was usually (but not always) that means from the top of the main beam unless the main beam sweeps and curves out or in. On this one, every one of the tines that point to the inside are non-typicals.

#2 was another subjective one. What I overheard about the right antler was that the drop was a non-typical droptine and it is not the end of the main beam. I can only guess about the left antler since I didn't hear or ask about that one. Maybe AGS can correct me if I am wrong about any of these.
I have 2 friends who killed deer with main beams like those and both were scored as main beams by a P&Y and B&C scorer. I love the way they look from the front because the first impression you get is that the mB are close to 30 inches but they are 26. They are from a 19pt 204" NT and a 155 inch 10 pt typical. The NT is from the 2002 Iowa shotgun season down Spring brook state park and the other was killed in central Wi.
WI Shedhead
If they did not score both sides as the tip of the main beams, it was a mistake. I sent the picture to pope and young before I posted to verify. They confirmed it as well. Basically, when you have a situation like this, the lower pins are still considerd the tip of the main beam. The tips do not have to come around or go up, they can go down, out etc. I hope (and bet) that the measures scored it right and that you just have some incorrect info.

Good hunting
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