Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

How'd this happen?

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Well-Known Member
I'm thinking it was too cold and she died that way. I checked my cam 2 days ago and she wasn't there (My batteries were dead so I brought my cameras home). On my other cam I had 0 pictures of deer because of this stupid dead doe. There go my chances at finding tons of sheds here.

By the way, there's a blood trail leading up to her. Just surprised she'd drop right infront of my camera.

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Honestly couldn't find a bullet hole in her though. Who knows, just surprised she died about 10 yards infront of my trail camera.

Too bad your snow is all gone. It would make the puzzle easier to solve. A coyote kill will leave a pretty good blood trail. A couple years ago, a morning after a fresh snow, I found where coyotes had caught a young doe on the ice of one of my ponds and drug her down about 50 yards away. They left a blood trail a blind man could follow & a carcass about that chewed up in less than the 12 hours since it had snowed. Gruesome sight on fresh snow, but interesting and left no doubt how it had played out.
A dead deer there wont change whether or not you find any sheds. The deer wont avoid the area just because there is a dead one. You will be fine.
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