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Huge coyote!


New Member
Well, we finally have gotten some decent hunting weather around here. A light cover of snow and air temps around 8 degrees. Sounds like coyote hunting weather to me! I had to hurry to get out tonight and had a textbook hunt. Set up on a high knob overlooking a big cornfield that has some little woodlots and brushy cattle pastures around it. Called this guy in on my second set-up. This is the biggest coyote I have ever shot. I first spotted him at about 500 yards but kept calling with my Haydels compensator coyote call, my present favorite by the way. He came on a dead run to about 150 and started to quarter off so I stopped him with a bark and shot. He weighed 43 lbs acording to my digital bathroom scale. I am 5'10" by the way to give you an idea of his size. I am interested to know what are some of bigger ones shot by you guys? This is easily the biggest I have killed.
Yep, thats a big Yote! Any Coyote over 40 lbs is considered quite large for our area.

My biggest was a 45 lb male I took under a full moon a few years ago. At 150 yards I honestly thought I was shooting a fox. It was a nice suprise when I walked up to him.

They say that in Alberta they get upto 65 lbs. I'd have to see it to believe it though.

Do you guys ever run into any of the color phases in Iowa? We see a couple red and the occasional black coyote around my area although they are few and far between.
dc240nt, Thanks for the comments. I am actually hunting northern Illinois, but I am sure we get a lot of the same color phases as Iowa. Locally we get a few blacks and very few reds. I have only seen one jet black one that I was sure was a coyote and that was years ago. There was a huge male running around this same farm a few years ago that was grey like this one but he had a snow white head and neck. I got some video of him stalking my turkey decoy but never was able to call him in close enough for a shot. He sure looked eerie in the early morning haze.
Yea, sorry for the location mixup. I didn't look at that until after I'd posted. Them colored ones sure are special, about as rare as hens teeth. I've never seen a white but I have seen most other colors over the years. I don't have any hanging from my wall, so that should tell you what happened when I did see em!
Sure is fun though.
Nice coyote. I know we get some big ones from time to time but I can't say that i've ever weighed one. We've had alot of black yotes in our area lately. The group I hunt with killed one monday but it had a little brown on it. There is one jet black one out there that we've been chasing for a few years, I want to shoot it and have it mounted.
Nice coyote! The biggest I've gotten so far was 41 pounds. There is a solid black one near here that I want for a mount. I know where he eats breakfast, so maybe I'll invite him home.
way to go!!!, come down around my area and kill all the yote's you want. We have a whole bunch of them around here. I had at least 6 hunts messed up by them in late muzz.
Yep, thats a big Yote! Any Coyote over 40 lbs is considered quite large for our area.

My biggest was a 45 lb male I took under a full moon a few years ago. At 150 yards I honestly thought I was shooting a fox. It was a nice suprise when I walked up to him.

They say that in Alberta they get upto 65 lbs. I'd have to see it to believe it though.

Do you guys ever run into any of the color phases in Iowa? We see a couple red and the occasional black coyote around my area although they are few and far between.

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We have a good number of black coyotes in SE MN. My brother shot a huge one during MZL season, I will see if he has a picture of it. IF not i wiil post a pic when he gets it back from teh tanner.
That's a trophy yote for sure! The biggest one I ever got was when I was 13 years old. Got him by his three back toes in a #2 leg hold trap. Dad wouldn't let me carry a gun on the 4-wheeler so I had to wait for him to lunge at me so I could thump him with my Louisville Slugger.
Dad laughed when I pulled in the yard with it on the rack. He said, "Boy, that dog is bigger than you! How'd you get him killed." With my bat, I said. He just shook his head. When we went back to re-set the trap he pointed out how close I came to being in Big trouble. The trap stake was pulled 3/4 of the way out of the ground! One more yank and he'd have been in my lap! He started letting me tote the Marlin along after that.
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