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Hunter ID


New Member
Ever find a stand in the woods and wonder who's it is? I'll bet you have. The next thought is do the have permission to be here?
How about a vehicle parked at a certain location that leaves you wonder who it is or where they are? (Question # 2 is the same!)
Very few hunters put their name on stands the place. Why?
To me a stand with a name clearly narked on it is a stand with permission to be there. I've spent alot of time attempting to track down the owners of stands I've located.
When I park my truck I either place the registration or my drivers license in the side window so it can be seen from the outside.
I'm suprised marking your stands with your name and address is not required. It would help every legal hunter and deter tresspass hunting.
Just a thought as we open the season.
Good luck. I've got a full plate this week so I won't be out.
I have my name and address marked clearly on all my stands so it can be read from the ground. I think this can be a good sign of being a responsible hunter.

Vehicle Id is a good idea also.
Hmmm? One more rule = more control < (less) freedom. I do whatever the landowner wants. Most landowners I hunt on have 4 x 4 stands that I have built that they use. They know me, where, and when I hunt. Why would anyone other than the landowner want to know who owned the stand? Is this for public land? I wouldn't leave a stand up due to theft on any property other than my own. The other part of this equation is that if you put your name on your stand antis now know who you are and can harass you at home.

Yes I know how old this post is but I agree with you. I just put name and address tags on my stands this year.
That is a good idea scout....I doubt I would ever do it tho. The ground I hunt on is either owned by buddies of mine, my family/in-laws, or my take in, take out portable on Public ground. The way I see it, if someone is reading my name on my stand...they are trespassing. If I find stands on the ground I am hunting, I do search for the parties responsible for one being a saftey reason and two...to inform them the stand is no longer theirs. (price they pay for trespassing vs a ticket from the DNR/Sheriff)

I could really understand your point tho if a couple people had the same access to the ground that you did.

I think it should be a requirement to have your licence worn on your back in plain view....some states out east require this as part of your apparrel
...The way I see it, if someone is reading my name on my stand...they are trespassing. If I find stands on the ground I am hunting, I do search for the parties responsible for one being a saftey reason and two...to inform them the stand is no longer theirs. (price they pay for trespassing vs a ticket from the DNR/Sheriff)

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Ditto. If the ground is private, the people will know who you are. If the ground is public, you shouldn't have left it there in the first place.

Besides, I don't want anyone knowing where I live when I am not there. JMHO.
Placing a name tag on your stand also helps to deter possible thieves

I guess I haven't seen all that many anti-hunters out in the woods trying to identify stand owners, so they could unleash a can of harrass?
Gee now I feel very fortunate to live in an area with very few of the type that seem to have tainted the thought process of some less fortunate hunters.

To be clearer.. I don't expose me street address, only name and city.

The "If they see it they should'nt be there" is a pipe dream in my area. Here I'd expect the majority of people who might read my name on a stand to at least know of me.

Here people still call the Sheriff about odd vehicles parked at the neighbors place or in a farm lane.

I hunt many small spots and with consent walk or park on adjoining property.

I find it hard to accept that marking ones property to identify it as thiers is somehow bad.

If the stand is stolen you might want the ability to identify it in the unlikely event it would be found. If the ID is removed with obvious sign if intent it can be confiscated as stolen property.

As for Public land. I lock'em and leave'em. I'd rather put a face on the victim of any crime so the slacka$$ knows who will be comming for them.

Fortunate I am.... Lord let them limit Non-resident tags. I don't need or want the headache.
I name my stands and there locations, like "does gates" or "death trap". I hope some tresspasser climbs that, its a real trick. I would never leave my address on a stand just for the reason of no one needs to know whos stand it is cause its mine and a thief is a thief, and plus people where I hunt stay clear of each other and know each other. In my neck its real small town of rednecks that hunt each others property's, the problem is those buffalo hunters with thier atvs, not treestand theft. So I reaaly never needed to identify my stand or vehical. If its a place like the ammunition plant that a few of the users hunt on it would be different cause not everybody knows each other and where each other hunt. I f you spot a stand stay clear of it and respect each others spot, no need to be up the guys sleeve.
Are Alaskans and Canadians alot alike? No harm intended but it seem they may be. I've only known one Alaskan and never been there so it's got me wondering.
Echo Scout...Name, and city/state only. If you weld or say, rivet a name tag onto a stand, I would hazard a guess that a potential thief may choose to steal the other guy's stand that's not labeled......same as with chaining your stand to a tree with a padlock... it's easy to carry in some bolt cutters, but if you don't have to...

also, last time I checked it was a little difficult to run off with someone's house???
Scout, definitly no harm taken, not at all, were all mother natures creatures, First, I don't hunt deer and havent for 2 years. Like Saskguy has said before, nobody cares about antlers in his neck and where I hunted there are no big bucks to rant and rave about. So our attitudes are very similar. Its just like hopping a fence for a shed, I go were I want to go and nieghbors ask me how I did in thier property. Very seldom do I ask for permission as I stated before, its small town. I lived in NY for 23 years and I have been caught on others property but it follows up with a session of BS. I have Amish country all around my county. Even on the outskirts of the county my name is known for chasing coyotes all winter long with a pack of hounds, Yes, NY bet you can't picture that. Theres big blocks and run down farms. Theres just abunch of malnurited deer running around with small horns, Nobody really cares, just respect each others locations and we all know where they are.
I just started marking my stands this year.

I used perm marker to write my name, tele number and "Bow season 2004" on my stands. I can paint over this each year and remark. I guess I'm hoping that someone reading my name and seeing that the stand is not just hung and left like so many I see......might make a person uncomfortable about messing with it.
...also, last time I checked it was a little difficult to run off with someone's house???

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Caught me.
Meant to say burgled...just got to typing too fast.
Thanks for keeping me on my toes.
good point River Bttm, putting the season on it also. I've run across stands and attempted to determine if they were "active" or has beens.
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